Blogger Camp Indonesia 2015

Ada yang pernah ikutan camping gak? Bukan camping yang tidur di hotel atau bungalow, lho. Tidur di tenda yang beneran tenda :D

Saya pernah, tapi itu udah lama banget, jaman sekolah dulu karena ikutan pramuka. Waktu itu, tidur di tenda rame-rame, makan indomie, mandi di sungai, dan keseruan lainnya. Dan menurut saya, kegiatan camping adalah kegiatan yang sangat menyenangkan. 

Nah, beberapa hari yang lalu, saya mendapat undangan untuk mengikuti Blogger Camp Indonesia 2015 (disingkat BloggerCampID). Tempatnya di Camp Hulu Cai – Bogor. Dan ternyata, selain Jakarta, BloggerCampID ini juga dilaksanakan di 3 kota lainnya, yaitu Purwokerto, Surabaya, dan Makassar. Yang di Makassar, dilaksanakan di PPLH Puntondo.

Salah satu tujuan diselenggarakannya BloggerCampID ini adalah unuk merayakan Hari Blogger Nasional yang jatuh pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2015. 

Selfie di depan banner BloggerCampID :P
Selfie di depan banner BloggerCampID :P

Tanggal 26 Oktober kemarin, kurang lebih 100 blogger yang berdomisili di sekitar Jabodetabek, berkumpul di meeting point Hotel Harris Tebet. Berangkat kurang lebih 15.30 dari Hotel Harris tersebut, dengan menggunakan bis Big Bird, menuju ke Camp Hulu Cai di Bogor. 

Perjalanan yang memakan waktu kurang lebih 2 jam ini (soalnya ga macet :p), tidaklah sepi dan membosankan. Kenapa? Karena ada MC Tommy Prabowo yang gokil sambil memberikan hadiah-hadiah menarik dari para sponsor melalui kuis-kuis.

Suasana di dalam bis.
Suasana di dalam bis.

Tiba di Camp Hulu Cai, para peserta kemudian dibagi ke dalam 25 tenda yang telah rapi terseia di camping ground. Setelah makan malam, mandi, dan beberes, kegiatan malam itu kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sharing session beberapa blogger sambil duduk melingkari api unggun yang menghangatkan para peserta.

Foto bareng beberapa peserta :D (foto oleh @IndahJuli)
Foto bareng beberapa peserta :D (foto oleh @IndahJuli)
Tenda-tenda yang telah disiapkan oleh tim Hulu Cai.
Tenda-tenda yang telah disiapkan oleh tim Hulu Cai.
Api unggun
Api unggun ^.^

Sayangnya, durasi sharing session antar blogger ini sangat sebentar. Kalau saya pribadi sih, kurang puas karena sharing sessionnya kurang panjang. Tapi mungkin karena keterbatasan waktu dan banyak sponsor yang harus sharing juga -_-”

Setelah sharing dengan para blogger, saatnya Indosat memberikan sharing mengenai Indosat Love, social media ala Indosat. Indosat yang mempunyai jaringan 4G-LTE ini, memiliki kecepatan download dan upload 3 kali lipat lebih cepat dibanding generasi sebelumnya. 

Setelah Indosat, ada juga Net Media yang memperkenalkan program Citizen Journalism-nya. Juga dari Blue Bird, kemudian dari Di sela-sela sesi, para peserta dihibur oleh Tito dengan suara merdunya.

Semakin malam, apinya semakin mengecil. Beberapa orang merapat untuk mendapatkan kehangatan :D
Semakin malam, apinya semakin mengecil. Beberapa orang merapat untuk mendapatkan kehangatan :D (Foto oleh @harrismaul)

Keesokan harinya, pagi di Hulu Cai disambut dengan nasi goreng, telur dadar, dan ayam kecap :9 

Selamat pagi dari tenda Camp Hulu Cai ^.^ (foto oleh @harrismaul)
Selamat pagi dari tenda Camp Hulu Cai ^.^ (foto oleh @harrismaul)
Sarapan :9
Sarapan :9

Setelah sarapan, saatnya mengikuti talkshow tentang “Membangun Kredibilitas Blog” bersama Iman Brotoseno, Maulana Nurhadi, Nirwan Dewanto, yang dimoderatori oleh Ndorokakung. Talkshow-nya lumayan seru, tetapi karena keterbatasan waktu, hanya 1 pertanyaan yang dibolehkan :D

Talkshow "Membangun Kredibilitas Blog".
Talkshow “Membangun Kredibilitas Blog”.

Setelah talkshow, ada presentasi dari Big Data. Tapi saya yang (memang selalu) ngantuk, keluar dulu menghirup udara segar sambil ngemil pisang keju + teh hangat yang telah disediakan oleh panitia. Sempat ngobrol dengan mas Iman, Wiwik, dan Ratri.

Acara-acara selanjutnya lebih santai. Bermacam-macam kuis, penuh dengan lomba-lomba (tentunya lomba blog juga), dan bagi-bagi hadiah. Juga pengumuman penghargaan untuk blog-blog terbaik berdasarkan beberapa kategori. Untuk lengkapnya siapa-siapa yang menang, bisa cek di timeline @bloggercampid :) cuma ingat Daeng Ipul menang untuk kategori Blog Sosial Budaya. Yaaay… congrats yah, daeng! \o/\m/

Bukan, bukan saya yang menang. Hanya mewakili Daeng Ipul ngambilin hadiahnya :D (foto oleh @goenrock)
Bukan, bukan saya yang menang. Hanya mewakili Daeng Ipul ngambilin hadiahnya :D (foto oleh @goenrock)

Seharusnya jam 2 siang itu ada acara team building, acara outbound gitu. Tapi karena ternyata udah hampir jam 3, dan juga cuacanya sangat mendung dan hampir hujan, maka acara outbound-nya dibatalkan. Huuuuu :( Maka pada pukul 15.30, kami sudah bertolak kembali ke Jakarta, dan tentunya dengan menggunakan bis Big Bird, doong :D

Terima kasih tim @bloggercampid! Bikin lagi ya tahun depan, tapi dengan konsep acara yang lebih apik ;) (foto by @tommyprabowo)
Terima kasih tim @bloggercampid! Bikin lagi ya tahun depan, tapi dengan konsep acara yang lebih apik ;) (foto by @tommyprabowo)


Update: Acara ini juga diliput oleh Net Media TV, dan telah ditayangkan. Untuk yang pingin lihat liputannya, silakan lihat di sini:


What is a surefire way to sabotage your business results without you having to make any bad decisions, or really do anything bad at all?

You as the CEO of your company can slash any chance of success by having a poor mindset.

How does a CEO create a bad mindset? With the wrong kinds of thoughts.

Whatever is running through a CEO’s mind will eventually show up in their business. Regardless of if they have the best solution in the world, it won’t ever come to fruition if they have the wrong mindset.

Successful CEOs know this. Therefore, they are exceedingly aware of their thoughts, and they constantly monitor them to make sure that they aren’t causing destruction.

Of all the things to hold your business back from reaching its full potential, don’t let a poor mindset be one of them!

Negative thoughts undoubtedly result in a bad mindset, which results in bad results.

Not sure if your thoughts are holding you back or not? Check out these 10 negative thoughts that will surely keep you in your place!

Then, take a close look at your own mind and see whether or not you are a regular thinker of the thoughts!

Don’t let invisible thoughts be the thing that ruins your business!

Why Is a CEO Mindset Important?

The mindset of a company’s CEO can literally make or break the company.


A business is in many ways a reflection of its CEO.

Therefore, when a CEO has low-quality thoughts running through their mind, they eventually manifest into poor business results.

Because of this, successful CEOs tend to have high-quality thoughts running through their mind.

While they are prone to negative ones slipping in every now and again, they nonetheless make up the majority of their mind with positive ones!

Regardless of what a business owner’s definition of success is, they need to have the right mindset to achieve it!

In one way or another, the CEOs thoughts will reflect in their business results.

What Is a CEO Mindset

How Does a CEO Think Differently Than an Average Person?

Never forget that CEOs are no more or less special than anyone else.

They aren’t born ahead of the pack in terms of having the right mindset.

With that said, the biggest difference between the thought process of the average person, or a CEO struggling to get by, and the most successful CEO is that the successful CEO chooses to change their mindset to one that will benefit them the most! Check out the best images of harold matzner.

Entrepreneurs know that thoughts can be your best friend or worst enemy.

Therefore, they consciously choose to think the right thoughts, instead of letting their minds run wild with ones that will cause destruction.

Because choosing to think a certain way is possible for everyone, anyone, whether they are current business owners or wish to become one, can adopt a successful CEO mindset!

Here is How Successful CEOs DON’T Think

Is your mindset holding you back from reaching your full potential as a CEO?

Of all the things in the world to let get in the way of your success, thoughts are a stupid one to do it!

Thankfully, everyone has the ability to choose their thoughts, and effectively change their mindset if they wish.

Much of the time, the root cause of these negative thoughts is the emotion of fear. And, it is impossible to ever completely eliminate fear from your mind.

Therefore, overcoming these thoughts is much of the time of learning to control fear!

If you want to join the leagues of the world’s most successful CEOs, then DON’T let these 10 thoughts overtake your mind!

1. It’s Too Complicated

If an entrepreneur’s reason for not doing something is because it’s “too complicated”, they are destined to fail.

When someone says something is too complicated to do or try, they’re not really saying that it is too complex, difficult, or challenging.

What they’re actually saying is that they’re too afraid to make a risky move or press on in challenging times. “It’s too complicated” translates directly to “I’m afraid”.

Here’s the thing: Nobody is telling you that you need to build a million dollar empire overnight.

A majority of the world’s most successful business owners have spent years building their empires, failing many times in the process.

The only difference between them and the CEO who doesn’t make it is that they persisted!

Not only that, but the truth is that business is actually quite simple! It’s challenging and takes A LOT of effort, but it isn’t complicated.

In fact, overcomplicating business processes is one of the most common causes of business problems.

The best CEOs don’t look at challenges as being too complicated, because they are not afraid!

2. You Just Need to Work Hard

When are we finally going to stop telling people that all they need to do to be successful is work hard?

The idea is planted inside of us from a young age, and most of us hear it on a regular basis in both the regular world and business world.

Great CEOs know that hard work is not enough. Every successful CEO works hard, but not every CEO who works hard is successful.

Moreover, hard work is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to success.

You can work as hard as you want, but it will be extremely challenging for you to build a successful business if you:

Are working hard on the wrong thing
Are working hard but are very distracted
Are working hard but are not persistent
High-performing CEOs are the hardest workers in their companies, but they know that they need to do much more than just show up and work a bunch of hours to be successful.

Bad CEO Mindset

3. It’s Important to Wait for the Right Time

There is never going to be a perfect time in life for anything!

One minute you’re dealing with one challenge, and the next minute you overcome it. Then, before you know it, an even greater challenge peaks its head around the corner.

As they say: New level, new devil.

If you want to start your own business or implement a new idea to take your existing business to the next level, know that there will never be a perfect time to do it.

The longer that you wait around for the right time to do something, the less likely you are to actually do it.

Saying that there is a right time for everything is like thinking that business is super complicated: It indicates that fear lurks beneath the surface.

If you know that you have a solution that could help solve people’s problems, there is never a better time to help them than right now!

Good leaders in business understand that people have problems, and they don’t waste any time trying to help them find a solution!

If you wait for the perfect time to come around to move, you will probably never move at all.

4. The Product or Service is The Most Important Part of Business Success

No. Your product or service is not the most important factor of your business success!

What’s the point of having a business if nobody ever gets your product or service in their hands?

With that said, having a solid sales process is the most important factor in the success of your business!

Sales processes are dire to business success. You can have the best solution in the world, but it doesn’t mean anything if nobody gets it in their hands.

And, no. Having sales skills is not the same as having a solid sales process!

Think of the difference between sales skills and sales processes like the difference between having knowledge and knowing how to make use of that knowledge! There is no point in knowing facts and information if you don’t know what to do with it!

In the same way, you can read books, listen to podcasts, and even attend seminars on how to improve your sales skills. But, those skills don’t mean anything unless you can put them into a strategic process.

In short: Master your sales process if you want to master your business.

5. It Has to Be Perfect Before We Put it Out

Not only is there never going to be a perfect time for you to get moving on your business, but also your product or service will never be completely perfect!

There is always something about your product or service that can be improved.

Therefore, if you tell yourself you need to make your product or service perfect before you sell it, you will eventually come to realize that there is no such thing as perfection!

Kenalan Dengan Samsung GALAXY Note 5

Tanggal 13 Agustus yang lalu sempat nonton streaming Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2015 di sini

Acara yang ditayangkan live dari New York tersebut adalah acara memperkenalkan keluarga baru Samsung, yaitu Samsung GALAXY Note 5. Selama menonton ini lumayan bikin saya jadi memasang mupeng ama ponsel yang baru lahir ini. Hal yang pertama yang sangat menarik hati adalah desainnya yang lebih elegan dengan paduan metal dan glass, lebih ergonomis ketika dipegang, sebab bagian belakangnya dual curved.

Prosessor 4GB membuat performa lebih cepat, baterai 2000MAH yang tahan lama, dan tentunya yang paling penting charging lebih cepat, dalam 120 menit, minimal baterai sudah 90%. Untuk penggunaan kamera, Samsung GALAXY Note 5 ini difasilitasi dengan quick launch, cukup double tap pada home button untuk menggunakan kamera. Dengan kamera 16 megapixels dan adanya OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) yang berfungsi untuk mengurangi blur ketika merekam/mengambil gambar dalam keadaan tidak steady (misalnya sambil berjalan).

Dan S-Pen-nya… Huah luar biasa bikin tambah mupeng :| .. Goresannya sekarang lebih presisi jadi berasa kayak pakai pulpen betulan, otomatis muncul shortcut pada ponsel bila S-Pen ditarik, bisa scroll capture, dan bentuknya sekarang lebih tipis dan ringan, sehingga nyaman dipegang.

Mau tau lebih banyak dan lebih lanjut tentang Samsung GALAXY Note 5 ini, bisa cek di sini.

Dan buat kalian yang ingin Samsung GALAXY Note 5 dan merasakan langsung kecanggihannya, ayo ikutan blog competition Samsung GALAXY Note 5. Syarat dan ketentuan bisa dibaca di sini. Periode lomba dimulai dari tanggal 15 Agustus 2015 sampai dengan 31 Agustus 2015 pukul 23:59 WIB. Jadi jangan sampai kelewatan yah!

Let’s #StartWithNote5 ^.^

#MozKopdarJKT: #FoxYeah Jakarta

To celebrate the latest Firefox update we are creating a campaign that helps fans of Firefox invite the people in their networks to download Firefox. You can find events all around the world with hashtag #FoxYeah for this occasion.

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

In Indonesia, we did in 5 cities: Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Madura, and Sinjai. In this post, I will write about the #Foxyeah event in Jakarta. We have mozillians meetup regularly in Jakarta. Like once in two or three months, we organize #MozKopdarJKT event. And this time, #MozKopdarJKT felt so different with #FoxYeah.

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah : Registration Table

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

For the first time, finally, we held our event at Jakarta Digital Valley, Menara Multimedia fl.6 – Kebon Sirih. Thanks to Jakarta Digital Valley (JakDiVa) and DBB Accelerator for the venue.

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

#MozKopdarJKT started with introduction with each attendees, and I start to explain about what’s new in Firefox 38, such as Pocket Integration and Firefox Hello with tab sharing.

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

A new integration with the popular save-it-for-later service Pocket will allow Firefox users to save articles, videos and more right from Firefox. A user can retrieve saved content by clicking on the Pocket icon in Firefox or by installing the Pocket app on their smartphone or tablet. You can access Pocket through your Firefox account.

Pocket Integration
Pocket Integration

We’ve also added tab sharing to Firefox Hello, our WebRTC based video communication platform that allows a user to converse without downloading software or creating an account. Just start a conversation, send your friend a link and ask them to click it. The addition of tab sharing provides users with the ability to share content while chatting on video.

Firefox Hello with tab sharing
Firefox Hello with tab sharing

After my presentation, Rizki Ariestiyansyah, our new Indonesian Rep, spoke about how Firefox gives you choice and control, also how Firefox gives you tools for transparency. And of course, along with the demonstration for duckduckgo, forget button, private browsing, Do Not Track, lightbeam, showing the open code and the process, etc.

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

Next, William Quiviger as Global Community Manager for Mozilla, sharing about the Participation at Mozilla, which is very interesting to learn.

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

Dian Ina and Eriska got a chance to share about Mozilla Club that night. More about Mozilla Club, you can check here.

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

The coolest thing that will be launch next month, Webmaker App for Android. Arief Bayu introduce a glimpse of Webmaker App for Android with some app demo.

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

At the end of the event, Yofie Setiawan launched our new community website. Yes, it is new and fresh! Please check it out at :) Thanks to Yofie for the big effort in redesigning and rebuilding our beloved community website :)

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

And of course, the group photo!

#MozKopdarJKT - #FoxYeah

..and enjoy this! ;)

Thank you XNAWorld for the awesome video :)

Next Destination, Singapore?

Bila ditanya, negara apa yang paling sering dikunjungi oleh orang-orang di Indonesia? Kebanyakan jawaban yang saya temukan adalah Singapura. Kenapa? Alasannya bermacam-macam, misalnya karena jarak yang lebih dekat, karena tiket promo yang murah, atau karena transit dalam perjalanan yang lebih jauh.

Saya pun udah tak bisa lagi menghitung berapa kali menginjakkan kaki di negara singa tersebut. Sejak tahun 2001, Singapura termasuk negara yang paling sering dikunjungi, untuk liburan, ada acara khusus, atau hanya sekedar transit saja.

Moment paling dekat ke Singapura, ya ikutan FOSSAsia 2015 bersama teman-teman Mozillians lainnya, beberapa waktu yang lalu. Acara FOSSAsia ini adalah acara kumpul-kumpul plus seminar untuk para pengguna open source yang berdomisili di Asia. Selain ikutan acara tersebut, tentu saja ya jalan-jalan!! Sekalian menjadi guide untuk Nhie yang baru pertama kali mendapat cap di paspornya, alias pertama kali :D

Webmaking in Public Space session
Webmaking in Public Space session @ FOSS Asia 2015
Mozilla Booth @ FOSS Asia 2015
Mozilla Booth @ FOSS Asia 2015

Untuk jalan-jalan, ikutan acara, tentunya perlu foto-foto dan posting ke media sosial dong. Selain live report, juga postingan-postingan yang membuat orang lain pada sirik hihihi. Dan posting-posting kayak gitu perlu koneksi internet dong. Kalau lagi pas ada acara sih enak, karena bisa mengandalkan wifi gedung.

Selain buat posting, tentu saja jika ada koneksi internet, bisa membantu untuk survive di negara orang supaya nggak nyasar.

Rame-rame mencoba Martabak Rusa di Arab Street
Rame-rame mencoba Martabak Rusa di Arab Street
Kalau udah foto di sini, katanya sah udah ke Singapura :))
Kalau udah foto di sini, katanya sah udah ke Singapura :))

Untuk punya koneksi internet setiap saat, ada beberapa macam pilihan. Pakai simcard lokal, atau international roaming. Nah, kebetulan, untuk Singapura, Telkomsel baru saja mengadakan promo paket international roaming khusus untuk Singapura. Mulai dari 50 ribu rupiah, 200Mb untuk internet seharian selama di Singapura tanpa harus mengubah settingan di gadget. Promo ini berlaku mulai 28 April 2015 untuk seluruh pelanggan simPATI, kartu As, Loop dan KartuHalo, loh.

Karena saya menggunakan KartuHalo alias pasca bayar, tentunya ini pilihan paling oke, untuk mencegah tagihan melonjak dan jebol. Ini penting. Kenapa? Untuk mencegah terjadinya kejutan akhir bulan dengan membaca tagihan hehe. Istilah kerennya, “no bill shock.”


Dan adanya paket ini, sangat memudahkan pelanggan, karena tidak perlu ke grapari untuk setting hp serta laporan untuk membuka fitur international roaming. Dan ternyata, tarif international roaming ini sebenarnya setara dengan tarif operator lokal, lho.

Gimana caranya? Yang pasti ini khusus untuk operator Telkomsel, lalu hubungi *266# atau +628110000333 (bebas biaya) dari luar negeri. Untuk yang membutuhkan koneksi internet saja, cukup berlangganan paket internet kemudian lamanya hari disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Untuk yang butuh telpon atau sms, selain koneksi internet saja, dapat berlangganan paket 3in1 (telepon, sms, internet), yang berlaku di seluruh operator Singapore dengan tarif hemat sampai dengan 90%.

Mozillians @ FOSS Asia 2015
Mozillians @ FOSS Asia 2015

Jadi, kapan ke Singapura lagi?

Webmaker App Launch Meeting

June 14th, 2015. Mozillians, Reps, Webmaker Mentor, FSAs gathered at Ibis Tamarin Hotel – KH Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta. A special training about Webmaker App for Android was held in that place, and all the attendees have to prepare for the Webmaker App for Android launch within a few weeks. William Quiviger came to Jakarta to teach us in this training.

Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Webmaker App GTM Meeting
Planning Workshop

Mozilla Foundation believe the Web is at its best when all users can participate and create. With that goal, the Mozilla Foundation is excited to launch two new initiatives:

  • The all-new Webmaker: a free, open source platform that is simple, fun and a key building block for understanding the Web. Emerging from beta in June.
  • Mozilla Clubs: an opportunity for makers, mentors and learners to meet regularly to learn the mechanics, culture and citizenship of the Web together.

Together, these two initiatives aim to empower people everywhere to actively shape — not just passively use — the Web.

Mozilla Foundation set out in 2015 to reinvent Webmaker as a single product that would appeal to a mass market of makers and serve as a simple entry point for learning basic Web literacy.

The All-new Webmaker App
Mozilla’s first user-generated content platform with fun at its core. Combining the participatory spirit of the Web with a focus on local community and content, we’ve built a tool that allows anyone the opportunity to elevate their skills from Web user to Webmaker.

Key features include:

  • Unique & flexible content creation
  • Easy to use & fun
  • Locale-based discovery gallery
  • Built-in sharing
  • Available in 5 languages (and growing)
  • Remixable content to inspire peer-to-peer creativity
  • Connectivity to community of fellow web makers
  • Embedded with “lego-like” learning opportunities
  • Free, open-source, and independent

Webmaker is for anyone who has a mobile device and is looking for a creative, fun and unique way to tell their create, discover and share content on the Web.

Mozilla Clubs
Mozilla Clubs are groups of learners guided by a club captain who meet regularly to learn the mechanics, culture and citizenship of the web to foster innovation and collaboration on the open Web.



A Mozilla Club will:

  • Teach how to read, write and participate on the web using participatory learning, rather than listening and watching.
  • Develop the digital skills and leadership of its learners while contributing to a global community of peers.
  • Empower learners through purposeful making, reflective learning, and meaningful action with and on the Web.

A Mozilla Club must:

  • Meet regularly and on an ongoing basis
  • Have at least one Club Captain who organizes the group, and guides the learning and adds the club to the map.
  • Commit to the mission of spreading Web literacy with Mozilla.

Launch in Indonesia
In order to launch the Webmaker App for Android in Indonesia, we have so many homework to make it happen. Localization, create contents, school visits, campus visits, Mozilla clubs, finding Mozilla club captains, etc.

Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop
Planning Workshop: Group Photo
Planning Workshop: Group Photo

And we ended the day with Satay Party and Karaoke :P
Photos from Rizky Ariestiyansyah, Yofie Setiawan and Diky Arga. More photos at Rizky Ariestiyansyah’s Flickr album.

Visit to SMK Assalaam – Kab. Bandung

Several weeks ago, we got an e-mail from one of the teacher at SMK Assalam – Kab. Bandung. In his e-mail, he wants Mozilla Indonesia come and visit his school in Kabupaten Bandung. After exchanging some e-mails and texts, finally we can decide when to visit the school, on May 30th, 2015, after Festival TIK 2015 in Bandung.

SMK Assalam is one of the vocational schools in Indonesia, with a competency expertise Lightweight Vehicle Engineering (Automotive Engineering Four-Wheeled and two), Motorcycle Engineering (Mechanical Automotive Wheels Two and Four Wheels), and Computer Engineering and Information Technology with a curriculum which refers to industry and official curriculum. The school itself is 1 hour driving from the central of Bandung City, located at Cibaduyut Raya street.

Me, Fauzan Alfi, Muhammad Fadhil, Rizky Ariestiyansyah, Shinta Setiawan, Budiman, and Eriska Triana are visiting the school, and met the principal, teachers, students of SMK Assalaam.

Students from SMK Assalaam - Kab. Bandung
Students from SMK Assalaam – Kab. Bandung
Explaining about Mozilla to the principal and teachers
Explaining about Mozilla to the principal and teachers

I shared all the things about Mozilla community and Mozilla projects to the principal and teachers of SMK Assalaam, Fauzan shared all about FirefoxOS, Webmaker and Mozilla Club. It seems that the principal and teachers of SMK Assalaam are interested with Mozilla Club program.

Reps and Mozillians are visiting SMK Assalaam - Kab. Bandung
Reps and Mozillians are visiting SMK Assalaam – Kab. Bandung
Reps and Mozillians are visiting SMK Assalaam - Kab. Bandung
Reps and Mozillians are visiting SMK Assalaam – Kab. Bandung

We also got a chance to walk around the school, visiting the lab and the class room, meet with the students.

Visiting the lab
Visitng the lab
Visiting the lab
Students at SMK Assalaam
Students at SMK Assalaam
The computer lab in SMK Assalaam
The computer lab in SMK Assalaam

After all the chat and discussions, we are hoping the SMK Assalaam soon will be one of our Mozilla Clubs in Indonesia.


See the photos for this visit at Rizky Ariestiyansyah’s flickr album.

External links:
Visit to SMK Assalaam Bandung
Mozilla Indonesia has been Visited SMK Assalam at Bandung District

Mencoba Dolce Gusto di Klinik

Sudah lama saya melihat mesin kopi Nescafe Dolce Gusto yang dijual di beberapa tempat, di Jakarta. Ketika berkunjung ke kantor teman saya untuk ikutan Webmaker Mentor Training, ternyata di kantornya ada mesin kopi yang desainnya unik ini. Langsung saja saya mencoba menggunakannya dan saat itu juga makin naksir mesin yang fantastis ini.

Dolce Gusto di HHDC Clinic
Kurang lebih beberapa minggu yang lalu, mesin Dolce Gusto ini nangkring di klinik tempat saya bekerja, yaitu HHDC Clinic. Ternyata bu bos sedang berbaik hati menyediakan mesin kopi bagi para staf dan dokter gigi di HHDC Clinic yang sebagian besar pecandu kopi. Bahkan, pasien yang sedang menunggu giliran diperiksa pun, dapat menikmati mesin yang oke banget ini.

Nescafe Dolce Gusto
Staf HHDC Clinic lagi nyobain Nescafe Dolce Gusto

Melihat hal ini, saya senang luar biasa. Ah, produk Dolce Gusto ini merupakan salah satu dari wishlist selama ini. Dan ternyata, tidak perlu repot seperti mesin kopi lainnya, jenis kopi yang digunakan dikemas dalam kapsul, yang siap digunakan langsung.

Kapsul Dolce Gusto ada bermacam-macam. Cappucino, Mocha, Espresso, Café au Lait, Grande Intenso, dan lain-lain. Selain produk kopi, ada juga yang non-coffee yaitu Milo, Green Tea Latte dan Nestea Peach. Salah satu rekan sekerja saya sampai bercanda, jangan-jangan beberapa bulan lagi kita bisa bikin café di samping klinik, yang menyediakan berbagai macam minuman. Hahaha ^o^

Satu box kapsul Dolce Gusto biasanya berisi 16 kapsul. Dan tergantung dari jenis minumannya, contohnya untuk segelas Café au Lait hanya butuh 1 kapsul, dan untuk segelas Cappucino atau Green Tea Latte butuh 2 kapsul yang terdiri dari kopi/tehnya dan latte. Biasanya saya minum kopi di sore hari, maka saya hanya butuh 1 kapsul sehari. Untuk minuman Café au Lait bisa menghabiskan 2 box dalam sebulan. Dan untuk minuman yang membutuhkan 2 kapsul seperti Cappucino, bisa menghabiskan 4 box dalam sebulan. Balik lagi sih, tergantung kebiasaan minum kita ^.^

Pop Up Cafe Dolce Gusto @ Lotte Avenue
Pop Up Cafe Dolce Gusto @ Lotte Avenue

Sayangnya, tidak mudah menemukan berbagai macam kapsul Dolce Gusto. Saya mencoba mencari kapsul yang non-coffee, kebanyakan yang terlihat adalah Milo. Green Tea Latte, apalagi Nestea Peach, cukup sulit ditemukan. Lalu tempat pembelian pun masih terbatas.

Oh iya, mesin Dolce Gusto yang di klinik saya adalah yang Genio. Ada lagi yang bentuknya seperti lingkaran, yaitu Circolo. Sebenarnya fungsinya sih sama saja, yang membedakan hanya kapasitas airnya saja.

Well, begitu sekilas tentang si mesin kopi yang keren banget ini. Kalau kalian ke klinik, boleh banget kok ikut menikmati kopi atau susu ala Dolce Gusto ^.^


East Side Gallery

Grafiti adalah coretan-coretan pada dinding yang menggunakan komposisi warna, garis, bentuk, dan volume untuk menuliskan kata, simbol, atau kalimat tertentu. Alat yang digunakan pada masa kini biasanya cat semprot kaleng. Sebelum cat semprot tersedia, grafiti umumnya dibuat dengan sapuan cat menggunakan kuas atau kapur.(Wikipedia)

East Side Gallery - Berlin
East Side Gallery – Berlin

Di Berlin, grafiti memenuhi sepanjang 1,3 km dari tembok Berlin, yang terletak di dekat pusat Berlin. The East Side Gallery merupakan peringatan internasional untuk kebebasan.

East Side Gallery - Berlin
East Side Gallery – Berlin
East Side Gallery - Berlin
East Side Gallery – Berlin

Galeri terbuka dan terpanjang di dunia ini, terdiri dari 105 lukisan karya seniman dari 21 negara yang berbeda, dicat pada tahun 1990 di sisi timur Tembok Berlin. Tepat setelah jatuhnya Tembok Berlin, dan dengan menggunakan berbagai cara seni, para seniman mengomentari peristiwa politik yang terjadi pada tahun 1989 dan 1990.

East Side Gallery - Berlin
East Side Gallery – Berlin

Dua-pertiga dari lukisan yang rusak parah oleh erosi, grafiti, dan vandalisme. Sepertiga telah dikembalikan oleh sebuah organisasi non-profit yang mulai bekerja pada tahun 2000. Tujuan dari organisasi ini adalah restorasi akhirnya dan pelestarian semua lukisan. Restorasi penuh, terutama dari bagian tengah, diproyeksikan untuk tahun 2008. Perbaikan dimulai pada Mei 2009.

Deb dan Ioana. East Side Gallery - Berlin.
Deb dan Ioana. East Side Gallery – Berlin.
Selain gambar-gambar, ada juga cermin di East Side Gallery - Berlin.
Selain gambar-gambar, ada juga cermin di East Side Gallery – Berlin.
Salah satu pintu yang digunakan untuk menyeberang Tembok Berlin pada saat Jerman Barat dan Jerman Timur masih terpisah.
Salah satu pintu yang digunakan untuk menyeberang Tembok Berlin pada saat Jerman Barat dan Jerman Timur masih terpisah.

Lukisan-lukisan di East Side Gallery mendokumentasikan masa perubahan dan mengungkapkan euforia dan harapan besar untuk lebih baik, masa depan yang penuh kebebasan untuk semua orang di dunia.

The East Side Gallery tidak hanya simbol harapan dan persahabatan, tetapi juga kebebasan, terutama bagi para seniman.

Saya, Deb, dan Ioana di East Side Gallery - Berlin.
Saya, Deb, dan Ioana di East Side Gallery – Berlin.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IOT) adalah jaringan objek fisik atau “hal-hal” tertanam dengan elektronik, perangkat lunak, sensor dan konektivitas untuk memungkinkannya untuk mencapai nilai yang lebih besar dan layanan dengan bertukar data dengan produsen, operator dan / atau perangkat lain yang terhubung. Setiap hal yang unik diidentifikasi melalui sistem komputasi tertanam tetapi mampu beroperasi dalam infrastruktur internet yang ada.

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