To celebrate the latest Firefox update we are creating a campaign that helps fans of Firefox invite the people in their networks to download Firefox. You can find events all around the world with hashtag #FoxYeah for this occasion.
In Indonesia, we did in 5 cities: Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Madura, and Sinjai. In this post, I will write about the #Foxyeah event in Jakarta. We have mozillians meetup regularly in Jakarta. Like once in two or three months, we organize #MozKopdarJKT event. And this time, #MozKopdarJKT felt so different with #FoxYeah.

For the first time, finally, we held our event at Jakarta Digital Valley, Menara Multimedia fl.6 – Kebon Sirih. Thanks to Jakarta Digital Valley (JakDiVa) and DBB Accelerator for the venue.

#MozKopdarJKT started with introduction with each attendees, and I start to explain about what’s new in Firefox 38, such as Pocket Integration and Firefox Hello with tab sharing.

A new integration with the popular save-it-for-later service Pocket will allow Firefox users to save articles, videos and more right from Firefox. A user can retrieve saved content by clicking on the Pocket icon in Firefox or by installing the Pocket app on their smartphone or tablet. You can access Pocket through your Firefox account.

We’ve also added tab sharing to Firefox Hello, our WebRTC based video communication platform that allows a user to converse without downloading software or creating an account. Just start a conversation, send your friend a link and ask them to click it. The addition of tab sharing provides users with the ability to share content while chatting on video.

After my presentation, Rizki Ariestiyansyah, our new Indonesian Rep, spoke about how Firefox gives you choice and control, also how Firefox gives you tools for transparency. And of course, along with the demonstration for duckduckgo, forget button, private browsing, Do Not Track, lightbeam, showing the open code and the process, etc.

Next, William Quiviger as Global Community Manager for Mozilla, sharing about the Participation at Mozilla, which is very interesting to learn.

Dian Ina and Eriska got a chance to share about Mozilla Club that night. More about Mozilla Club, you can check here.

The coolest thing that will be launch next month, Webmaker App for Android. Arief Bayu introduce a glimpse of Webmaker App for Android with some app demo.

At the end of the event, Yofie Setiawan launched our new community website. Yes, it is new and fresh! Please check it out at :) Thanks to Yofie for the big effort in redesigning and rebuilding our beloved community website :)

And of course, the group photo!

..and enjoy this! ;)
Thank you XNAWorld for the awesome video :)
Ada aku *o*