Several weeks ago, we got an e-mail from one of the teacher at SMK Assalam – Kab. Bandung. In his e-mail, he wants Mozilla Indonesia come and visit his school in Kabupaten Bandung. After exchanging some e-mails and texts, finally we can decide when to visit the school, on May 30th, 2015, after Festival TIK 2015 in Bandung.
SMK Assalam is one of the vocational schools in Indonesia, with a competency expertise Lightweight Vehicle Engineering (Automotive Engineering Four-Wheeled and two), Motorcycle Engineering (Mechanical Automotive Wheels Two and Four Wheels), and Computer Engineering and Information Technology with a curriculum which refers to industry and official curriculum. The school itself is 1 hour driving from the central of Bandung City, located at Cibaduyut Raya street.
Me, Fauzan Alfi, Muhammad Fadhil, Rizky Ariestiyansyah, Shinta Setiawan, Budiman, and Eriska Triana are visiting the school, and met the principal, teachers, students of SMK Assalaam.

I shared all the things about Mozilla community and Mozilla projects to the principal and teachers of SMK Assalaam, Fauzan shared all about FirefoxOS, Webmaker and Mozilla Club. It seems that the principal and teachers of SMK Assalaam are interested with Mozilla Club program.

We also got a chance to walk around the school, visiting the lab and the class room, meet with the students.

After all the chat and discussions, we are hoping the SMK Assalaam soon will be one of our Mozilla Clubs in Indonesia.
See the photos for this visit at Rizky Ariestiyansyah’s flickr album.
External links:
– Visit to SMK Assalaam Bandung
– Mozilla Indonesia has been Visited SMK Assalam at Bandung District
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