How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

85%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Yeah yeah.. I know I am addicted to blogging :P I knew that since I moved my blog to my own domain, there I realized I did something serious in blogging. Although my hosting still taking up somebody’s space, but when I sat down and thinking what is the good domain name for my blog, I realized this is become so serious!!!

By the time I type this posting, I was blogwalking also. And I stopped at Anto’s blog and read one of his post. It is about stereotype blogger! A-ha! Just like I was about to write also hahaha.. Oh by the way, he puts a really good comic about blogger at his post, you should check it out!

Now people should put blog in one of the addiction in this world. Believe me, this is so real! Blogs are everywhere now. Everyone can have a blog, no exception. In, they said that you only need 3 steps to have a brand-new-blog in instant. And blogs now started to crawl and spreading so wide until it tickles journalists. Some journalists believes that blog is the new media in journalism, but painfully, some other journalists weren’t think the same. Hmm, but that’s another story :)

I remembered when I was introduced to internet, it was late 1997. All I know just e-mail, mailing list, and IRC. Then, after have some friends from IRC (I was in #indonesia -undernet, #makassar -undernet, and #pondok -undernet), then I learned how to make a personal website. At first I used Microsoft Word to help me understand those html language. I learned by searching and searching in the internet. My first personal website hosted at geocities. At that time geocities still have those long addresses, and they called neighborhood for the hosting :D

From personal website to a blog, it took a few years, until August 2002. I just realized, it is 9 years already I knew about website, and from that 9 years, 6 of them are my blogging time. And I’m still exist in the blog world, and proud of that. I hope I still blogging until the end of my life. And I hope that this blog will be my memories and remembrance of me, even if my life stops.

Friends, keep on blogging! Of course, always blogging with your own style :) because if you want to copy another blogger’s style into your style, believe me someday you will get tired of blogging! Let blogging be the part of your life!

29 Replies to “How Addicted to Blogging Are You?”

  1. dg Nuntung: makasih daeng, yup.. nanti saya tambahi deh ceritanya, di posting berikutnya maksudnya hehehe..

    dahlia: wakakaka ngga lah.. gue ngeblognya baru 6 tahun. 6 tahun dari 9 tahun kenal cara bikin website hehehe..

    ecko: silakan silakan ngelink.. hehehe :D makasih yah dah kunjungan :)

    artana: salam kenal juga! hahaha pakar? nggak lah, masih banyak yang lebih pakar :D

  2. Well, the problem occurs when our style is not quite preferable by the crowds. But then again, why should we bother them. Blogging is a need. We don’t have to make everyone happy, do we :)

  3. Ally cuman dapat 81%. Masih kalah ma rara. Ya iyalah..wong jarang online. Tapi kalau sekalai online kadang lupa waktu. hiks…

    kenal internet,ally malah mulai tahun 1999.

    Yang jelas, posting sesuatu itu menyenangkan.

  4.’s fantastic..
    you’ve been 9 years as a blogger.
    May be the suitable word for this is ‘the truly blogger’. he..hee.heee.
    Btw, I found your blog for the first time in 2002 when I was still living in Bdg. I surprised and amazed because I could not believe that there were bloggers come from Makassar. Many bloggers at that time were from Java or abroad and I didn’t find much information from Mks.
    I like very much your fancy pointer banner name. I had learned html from that and I’m still keeping it in my storage.
    Oh..I have to say many thanks for you and forgive me because I had taken your properties without your permission. But I’m getting permission now…

  5. saya baru ngeblog beberapa bulan ini, kinda addicted juga. sampai2 kebawa mimpi bahwa blog saya banyak comment nya..saya liat di mimpi di recent commentnya berubah setiap detik..seperti live gitu :)
    tadi test nya saya 67% addicted

  6. weleh2 kalo saya ndak pake alat2 itu, saya sudah addicted 100 % :D apalagi yg namanya kopdar :D
    eh jumat pagi saya terbang ke makassar.
    btw anak AM sering ngumpul dimana? kali2 saya bisa sempat ketemu dengan teman2 :)

  7. Salam kenal Rara :-)
    Jadi addicted to blogging itu bagus apa enggak? (yang namanya addicted semuanya gak bagus kan?) Saya sendiri juga udah addicted to blogging padahal baruuuu aja mulai :P

  8. Yeah.. Keep on blogging!!! SEMANGAT! GAMBATE KUDASAI!!! :D
    Btw, makan-makannya jangan lupa ya… Kan, menang di poll-nya Mbak Ira (itik yang ngaku masih kecil itu…) :D

  9. ahmad: weee virus yang satu ini menguntungkan lohhh!!

    daeng battala: uhuhuy! dapat persetujuan dari penasehat :D

    guntar: yup, if people don\’t like what they read here, simply just close the browser :D hahahaha *galak yah*

    ally: berarti kalau ally bisa lebih sering online, ally bisa lebih dari 85% dong :D

  10. mamie: oh noooHH.. :D

    ina: hohoho itu ndak ada hubungannya sama yang satu itu.. *kemplang2 Ina pake monitor 17\”

    andi yauri: wow.. ternyata eh ternyata.. ada pembaca website saya sejak lama :D ketemu lagi di sini :) senangnya bisa ketemu di dunia maya lagi.. dengan improved website tentunya.. soal javascript itu, sante aja.. saya juga \”nyolong\” dari orang kok hahahaha.. oh iya, websitenya msih ada lho :D

    deen: selamat berdjoeang!! :D

  11. devari: 67% addicted? hehehe berarti belum se-addicted itu. tapi test-nya itu relatif kok :D yang penting sih.. keep on blogging :)

    arul: hehehehe udah ta sms kan? nah harus kopdar! kekekeke

  12. deteksi: lho addicted to blogging kan tidak menyebabkan kematian dan merugikan bandar hahahaha.. salam kenal juga ;)

    Diah: tentu saja addicted to blogging bagus :D kan bisa mengekplorasi kemampuan diri, meningkatkan kreativitas, dan banyak belajar. bukan hanya tulisan, tapi soal editing website and so on lah :D

    itikecil: makasih makasih :D

    ucha: kayaknya 15%nya itu addicted to kopdar hihihi.. atau karaoke ya? :-\”

    arul: baik akan saya link ulang! hahahaha.. nice to meet u yesterday, rul! ;)

    andi bagus: hahaha.. sudahlah.. orang-orang kayak kita itu ketahuan banget kalau emang addicted :D

    suandana: iya semangat!!! hahahaha makasih makasih! :D

  13. waa..sudahmi sa test, 80%, cie..cie..
    pantesan terlantar refaratku :(
    gimana ndak, lebih milih nge-blog daripada ngurus refarat..!!
    k rara, addka juga di blogroll ta’..thanks before..!!

  14. uleng: hahaha mantaf.. mantaf… hayo dua2nya aja dijalankan :D

    andi bagus: wohh salamnya udah nyampai dengan sempurna.. makasih yah ;) hehehehe…

    bangyoes: of course i have :D hahaha

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