Weekly Photo Challenge : My Neighborhood

It’s a phoneography challenge from The Daily Post!

Every week Daily Post giving us photo challenge that we can post any kind of photos or pictures depends on the theme of the week. Since this week, Daily Post start to give challenge on phoneography. Phoneography means took a photo with your phone ^_^

Here’s the challenge :

To kick this off, grab your phone and head out the door. That’s right — get on your feet and go outside to explore — and document — where you live. I want to see your neighborhood: The path you take for your daily morning run. Your local coffee shop or dive bar. The nearby alley of street and community art. A shot of the intersection that perfectly captures the bustle of your own corner of town.


Welcome to my neighborhood. I didn’t live in a town that full of green green grass of home. I live in a very busy city : Jakarta – Indonesia.
I also didn’t live in a house that surrounded by green park. I live in a simple apartment in the middle of the busy city.

What I like is… the morning scene from my 10th level window. Captured last year.

Sunrise from my window room
Sunrise from my window room, taken with Samsung Galaxy Note N7000.

Not every morning I found this scene, since I am not a morning person :D

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