Digital dan Analog

Saya memulai pertualangan dengan kamera di saat papa menyuruh saya memotret dirinya. Saya diajarkan untuk melihat melalui viewfinder dan diminta untuk menempatkan objek yang akan dipotret pada lingkaran kecil di tengah. Kemudian setelah objek dibidik, saya harus memutar lensa agar sebelah kanan lingkaran bisa cocok dengan sebelah kiri lingkaran, lalu jepret ketika semuanya telah menjadi jelas. Kamera tersebut lumayan berat untuk saya yang masih duduk di bangku SD saat itu, yaitu Canon_AE-1.

Image from Wikipedia

Sepeninggalan papa, kamera tersebut masih sempat saya pakai ketika sudah SMP. Tapi karena berat, maka makin jarang digunakan. Selain itu, takut kameranya rusak atau jatuh, sih. Masuk SMU, saya dihadiahi Fuji DL-60, yang mempunyai fitur autofocus, dan drop-in film loading . Tentu saja senang luar biasa, dan mulai lebih banyak jepret sana-sini. Oh iya yang saya sebutkan semua di atas tadi adalah kamera analog ya, yang masih pakai film hehe :D

Image by Hans Kerensky

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense

In grammar, a future tense is a verb form that marks the event described by the verb as not having happened yet, but expected to happen in the future.

This week photo challenge is about “future tense“, which will be expected for some visions of the future, daydreams, and wishes frozen in time.

Below is the photo of incoming train, nearby my home. This train has not arrived yet, but it is expected to arrived in the future, which is in a few minutes after I took this picture.

Incoming Train. Location: Duren Kalibata Station. Taken with HTC One S smartphone.
Incoming Train. Location: Duren Kalibata Station. Taken with HTC One S smartphone.

No one can see the future, nobody can guess what the future is. The train above is expected to be arrive in a few minutes after the shoot. But nobody can be really sure whether the train will be stop, or just passing by, or explode!

Since nobody knows exactly what will happen about their future, so we put our hope and expectation to wishes, dreams, and prayers for our future. Below is a picture of one of the streets in Yangon – Myanmar. I took a short walk nearby of our hotel.

One of the streets in Yangon - Myanmar. Taken with HTC Sensation.
One of the streets in Yangon – Myanmar. Taken with HTC Sensation.

At that time I walk, I walk, I walk on the street. Without knowing what will happen at the end of the road. It was a different country and different language they use. Curious killed the scary part, and my feet just walk on. My expectation is at the end of the road I will find something interesting to write about ^_^

The future is the indefinite time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics.

And as I write this post, I remember a quote : “The past can not be changed, and the future is unsure. But we can learn from the past and change a better future.”

So, how about you? How about your future?
Do you think you know what will happen? Did you ever pray for your future? Tell me :)

Weekly Photo Challenge : Lunchtime

Eating is something that you should do if you a human. Of course, any mankind on this earth surely like to eat. Especially when we are in a deep hungry state.

Anyway, in the big city, lunchtime has so many meaning. Lunch meeting, lunch date, etc. And lunch typically falls in the early-middle of the working day, it can either be eaten on a break from work, or as part of the workday. The difference between those who work through lunch and those who take it off could be a matter of cultural, social class, bargaining power, or the nature of the work.

Regularly, I cooked my own lunch, and bring it to the work. It is just for financial reason :p but when I woke up late or when I just don’t have any mood to cook, I will have lunch nearby my workplace. Nothing special with my daily lunchtime.

Last Christmas day, I had lunch with some of my family. It was something that unusual, since we are rarely meet each other. Here’s a picture of us, happily eating those Szechuan dining.

Family lunch on Christmas day (2012).
Family lunch on Christmas day (2012).

And here is a picture of a friend who is really enjoy her lunch hahaha..
I took the picture with my HTC One S phone :)

@ssetiawan with 4 portion of Coto Makassar! :D
@ssetiawan with 4 portion of Coto Makassar! :D

And how about your lunchtime? Anything delicious?

–Inspired from Weekly Photo Challenge: Lunchtime.

Weekly Photo Challenge : My Neighborhood

It’s a phoneography challenge from The Daily Post!

Every week Daily Post giving us photo challenge that we can post any kind of photos or pictures depends on the theme of the week. Since this week, Daily Post start to give challenge on phoneography. Phoneography means took a photo with your phone ^_^

Here’s the challenge :

To kick this off, grab your phone and head out the door. That’s right — get on your feet and go outside to explore — and document — where you live. I want to see your neighborhood: The path you take for your daily morning run. Your local coffee shop or dive bar. The nearby alley of street and community art. A shot of the intersection that perfectly captures the bustle of your own corner of town.


Welcome to my neighborhood. I didn’t live in a town that full of green green grass of home. I live in a very busy city : Jakarta – Indonesia.
I also didn’t live in a house that surrounded by green park. I live in a simple apartment in the middle of the busy city.

What I like is… the morning scene from my 10th level window. Captured last year.

Sunrise from my window room
Sunrise from my window room, taken with Samsung Galaxy Note N7000.

Not every morning I found this scene, since I am not a morning person :D

Sunset in Cambodia

Sunset memang selalu menjadi sesuatu yang seksi untuk fotografi. Di akhir hari yang melelahkan ketika melaksanakan tugas sebagai sukarelawan dalam tim medis di sebuah medical trip, pemandangan ini muncul dengan tidak disangka-sangka di pedalaman propinsi Kampong Cham – Cambodia.

Selamat menikmati :)

Photographed at Kampong Cham Province, district Ponhea Kraek, commune Kak, village Ponley, in Cambodia.