Hal-hal Kecil Yang Mengagumkan

“Selamat yah, jadi istri yang baik loe!” sambil ngomong itu gw cipika-cipiki ke Mirah Amanda, teman gw. Dalam bulan ini juga, gw pernah posting tentang acara tunangan si Mirah di sini. Hari Minggu tanggal 23 Januari 2005 kemaren, mereka melangsungkan pernikahannya di sini. Foto acaranya sempat diposting ama Kidy via MMS-to-Blogger-nya. Mo lihat wedding ala bugis? Ke blog-nya Kidy ajah sana :p
Hmm.. tapi apakah yang gw mau cerita kali ini? Hal-hal kecil? Pasti pada penasaran, apa hubungannya coba, pernikahan teman gw dengan hal-hal kecil yang mengagumkan?

Di pernikahan teman gw itu, Wati bawa pacar barunya, yang selama ini disembunyikan ama dia, akhirnya dikenalin juga ke kita-kita. Namun sehari setelah acara (hari Senin-nya), seperti biasa gw ama teman-teman ngumpul2 di warung mbak pangsit depan klinik. Tapi gw duluan karena harus nganter Kidy ke airport. Dan sepeninggalan gw, Wati nggosipin gw, yang kemudian direportasekan ke gw oleh Emmy.
Berikut percakapan mereka yang dimulai dengan Wati.
“Kok Kidy gitu yah?…”
“Gitu gimana?” ini Emmy yang ngomong.
“Waktu acara merit kemarin, kok Kidy duduk sendiri di belakang, sementara Rara duduk sebaris di depannya.”
“Lho, masa sih? Justru sebenarnya yang duduk duluan itu saya, trus Echie. Dan diikuti sama Helvine. Mereka berdua itu berdiri nungguin kalian yang telat datang.”
“Oh ya?” Wati keki kena skak.
(keadaan sebenarnya: karena udah pada kecapean berdiri nungguin beberapa teman yg belum datang untuk masuk bareng, akhirnya refleks duduk di kursi terdekat.)
Trus Wati lanjut lagi, “Tapi pas pulang itu, kok mau-maunya ya dia pegangin payungnya Rara?”
“Lho memang kenapa?” sergah Emmy.
“Nggak, saya heran aja. K Anto (nama pacar baru Wati itu, -Red.) lihat hal tersebut, langsung ngomong ke saya ‘kalau kamu gituin saya, kamu langsung saya tinggal’.”
“Oh payung itu, awalnya saya yang pegang, karena saya yang turunin payung itu dari mobilnya Rara. Trus saya titip di tempat penerimaan tamu. Pas pulangnya saya ambil, trus saya balikin ke Rara. Eh tau-tau Kidy yang pegang, saya nggak notice juga. Tapi saya rasa it’s ok lah. Masa Rara yang harus pegang terus?”
(keadaan sebenarnya: pas gw dikasih kembali payung tersebut oleh Emmy, gw sempat pegang-pegang beberapa menit, lalu diambil dan dipegangkan oleh Kidy.)
Ya ampun, hal-hal yang nggak penting banget gitu untuk dibahas. Hal-hal sekecil itu yang menjadi perhatian.
Dan yang membuat gw terperangah, reaksi pacar Wati yang dengan bangganya diceritakan oleh Wati sendiri, di mana pacarnya Wati itu ngomong gini ‘kalau kamu gituin saya, kamu langsung saya tinggal’.
Segitu egoisnyakah pria itu, sehingga tidak ingin melakukan hal-hal kecil?! Malah ngancam untuk ninggalin wanita yang notabene dikasihinya itu. Bukannya pria dan wanita harus saling melayani satu sama lain tanpa ada ketimpangan pada satu sisi?
Gw nggak tau kalau gw yang terlalu konservatif, atau memang sudah jamannya seperti itu.
Gw hanya bisa geleng-geleng kepala waktu Emmy nyeritain tentang percakapan singkat mereka mengenai gw dan Kidy.
Sesaat setelah mendengar cerita Emmy, pikiran gw melayang dan seperti memutar kembali hubungan gw dan Kidy. Berusaha mencari hal-hal kecil apa yang sering dilakukan, yang sebenarnya sempat gw notice, tetapi bukan untuk dipermasalahkan, melainkan untuk dikagumi.
Gw sering perhatikan:
Setiap kita berdua mau naik taksi, pasti dia yang dengan segera membukakan pintu taksi buat gw. Walau misalnya hanya gw yang naikpun, Kidy juga melakukan hal yang sama.
Untuk memasuki suatu ruangan atau ngantri, Kidy pasti mempersilahkan gw duluan lalu diikuti oleh dia sendiri.
Dan masih banyak yang lainnya…
Memang hal-hal tersebut hanya sekelumit perlakuan di dalam sebuah hubungan, namun hal-hal kecil seperti itu really touches me. Hal-hal kecil yang mengagumkan!
Mungkin gw konservatif, tapi sejujurnya gw kagum pada pria yang secara alamiah melakukan hal-hal kecil sebagaimana layaknya seorang gentleman. Gw sebagai seorang wanita merasa sangat dihargai dengan adanya hal-hal kecil tersebut. Dan membuat gw semakin cinta aja *waduh.. jayus mode on hehehe*.
I just love every little thing he did for me!
Salahkah gw untuk menikmati perasaan ini? Gw pikir tidak! Justru gw merasa berhak untuk memiliki perasaan kagum itu.
Dan pikir gw.. he just did what he got to do to appreciate the woman he loves, and the woman is me..


Lagi suka liat-liat quote gitu deh. Makanya postingan kemaren itu cuma sedikit quote dari Mahatma Gandhi.
Untuk yang stara ama Mahatma Gandhi itu, gw juga suka baca-baca karyanya Kahlil Gibran. Kesannya dalem banget gitu. Tapi bukan berarti gw orang yg terlalu serius lah…

Salah satu punya Kahlil Gibran yang gw senang..
Tentang kerja yang disertai dengan cinta, bagaimana kita harus mencintai pekerjaan kita:
And what is it to work with love? It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth. It is to build a house with affection, even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house. It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit. It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit, And to know that all the blessed dead are standing about you and watching.
–Kahlil Gibran
Tentang persepsi cinta:
It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations
–Kahlil Gibran
Hmmm… om Kahlil emang keren

Burden, Vision, and Passion

The clock is ticking. The calendar is winding down. I’m running out of time. I made myself some promises about some important things in my life that I would accomplish. It’s going to require me to buckle down, be incredibly disciplined, and live like every day and every decision matter supremely to the final outcome. If I don’t, I will not keep these important commitments that I’ve made to myself. There is no room for procrastination. There is no more margin for weak days, inefficient weeks, or plain ol’ laziness. I’m running out of time!
Unfortunately, many of us have lost our sense of urgency in our lives especially our urgency about the God’s imminent return. With that loss, our days are not filled with as much passion, expectation, intention, and hope as they should be.
In this new year, what is in your heart? Specifically, let me ask you three questions to help reveal the answer to question:
What is your burden?
What is your vision?
What is your passion?
I would describe a burden as something that is deep down inside of you. It is something you think about, worry about and are deeply concerned about. It is something God has put there.
God can also give you a vision of something He is calling you to embrace. It is something in the future. It is a possibility of something bigger than you are.
Passion, according to Webster’s New World Dictionary, is “an extreme, compelling emotion; intense emotional drive or excitement.” I would describe it for those of us who are believers as something we are really excited about doing for God.
What has God put in your heart? Has he given you a burden for a certain problem, group of people, or situation? What are you doing about it? If He put it there, shouldn’t you be responding?
New Year’s Resolutions are good. Getting out of debt, losing weight (oops!), and spending more time with your family are all good goals. By now, however, many folks have already lost interest in their resolutions. However, as you pray and listen, what burden, what vision and what passion has God put inside of you? Pay attention to that burden. See how you can walk in obedience to that vision. Enjoy the passion of knowing that you are doing what God put you here to do!
Now I ask you again, what is in your heart? What is your burden? What is your vision? What is your passion? How about a piece of share down here

New EVERY Morning

Skepticism isn’t hard to come by. Another lap around the track, another year on life’s treadmill, and skepticism grows along with the wrinkles, freckles, fallen archers, and passing years. “Can a leopard change its spots?” No, skepticism isn’t hard to come by anytime. The start of the New Year, with all its talk of reform, change, discipline, and resolutions only makes skepticism the flavor of the month in many circles where change is unwanted.’
For some reason, many of us need a special occasion to help us leverage major life changes. Maybe it’s the second half comebacks we see in sports or the late in life blooming we see in some people we admire. So here we stand again at the edge of the New Year. We’re not really sure whether to try to leverage this “new start” for some needed changes or to simply greet this time of year with a “healthy skepticism” partially because we’re not sure we want to pay the price for the changes and partially because we doubt we can sustain them. We�ve played this game before and failed, so why do it again?
While I would love to encourage you to follow through on your resolutions toward weight loss, reasonable exercise, more faithful readings, a deeper walk with God, better discipline at sticking to your priorities (or any number other good resolutions), that’s not what this article is about. We’ll have other articles and resources this week about that with good content, practical suggestions, and great study plans and devotionals. Instead, I want to remind you that in God, our paradigm for fresh starts is not the New Year, but each New Day!
We are to find another believers to encourage today as long as the Lord keeps giving us a new day. We are not to worry about the future, but instead, focus on today. We are not to get too caught up in our own plans, because each day of our lives is really in the Lord’s hands. We must live each day knowing that our ultimate salvation is nearer now than ever before.
So what’s the point?’ I hope you’re asking.
We resolve to live each new day as a fresh start given to us by God as gift. Not only do we get a fresh start each new day, we also have God’s promise to keep pouring his love into our hearts each day and to keep on giving us his Spirit each day.
While there are many very good resolutions that we can make this year, there is one commitment I want to challenge you to make: start each day as God’s gift of a fresh new start. We are called to be “today” people, God’s folks who live in the present because we know our future is secure. So let’s begin each day knowing that like God’s love and mercy, we can be new every morning!
And now.. what is your year of 2005’s resolution?? Please don’t hesitate to share yours here .

Posting Gado-gado

Posting gado-gado? Pasti yang baca ini pada mikir kalau gw mau posting sesuatu tentang gado-gado. Hahaha jangan ge-er lah… Maksudnya ini posting kali ini campur-campur banget gitu loh…
Pertama-tama, gw bingung neh! Bingung? Iya lagi bingung. Kenapa? Pasalnya gw mau membuat sesuatu yang beda. Kalo masalah layout udah selesai, nanti akan ganti layout lagi mungkin besok atau lusa. Layoutnya dibantuin desain ama Kidy. Thank you ya, hunny…!
Jadi apa lagi yang bikin bingung?
Kalian notice ga kalau mulai posting sebelum posting ini kalau gw pakai bahasa Indonesia?
Uhm.. begini nih, setelah sempat ngobrol-ngobrol ama Kidy tentang dunia per-blog-an, trus melihat animo (tssah, bahasanya!) bloggerians yang berkunjung ke tempat gw, ada pertimbangan untuk mengganti bahasa posting neh. Kan selama ini posting gw berbahasa Inggris. Kenapa? Karena gw sadar kalau nggak semua orang yang berkunjung di blog gw adalah orang Indonesia, mungkin saja ada yang sama skali ga bisa bahasa Indonesia. Jadi gw pikir untuk bikin blog dan posting dalam bahasa internasional, yaitu bahasa Indonesia. Tapi skarang gw mulai agak-agak jenuh neh posting pake bahasa Inggris.
Gimana dong?? Minta pendapatnya yaaa…..

Kedua, tanggal 31 Desember kemarin gw dapat sms dari mbak Liza Molly yang isinya “alhamdulilah enno selamat. td sempet ceting. dia ada di medan sama keluarganya. mamanya meninggal, innalilahi wa inna illahi rojiuun“. Siapakah Enno? Enno itu salah satu bloggerian asal Aceh yang juga anggota dari forum BloggerFamily. Berikut percakapan Enno dengan Dekretno, salah satu bloggerian di BloFam juga, di Yahoo! Messenger:
ennoygmaniez: enno selamat
ennoygmaniez: cuma mama aja de…tenggelam..
ennoygmaniez: mama meninggal de..
ennoygmaniez: malah kmaren enno sempet tenggelam

dekretno: keluarga kamu gmn?
ennoygmaniez: ini skrg udah ngungsi ke medan
ennoygmaniez: krn semuanya udah ga ada de.
dekretno: :((
ennoygmaniez: rumah jg udah rata..
ennoygmaniez: tlg ksh tau tmen2 blog kalo enno selamat

dekretno: seneng banget bisa denger kabar dari kamu lagi
dekretno: we all pray for you
dekretno: tabah ya sist
dekretno: tenang sist….warga BF dah buka posko utk bantu sodara kita di aceh. pokoknya anything you need sist…just tell us
ennoygmaniez: makasih de
Menurut blog Dekretno Enno bisa selamat karena nyangkut di atap rumah orang.
Buat Enno, yang tabah yah sista, yakinlah bahwa Tuhan punya rencana atas semua ini.
Trus yang ketiga, hari ini tuh keramat pertama buat gw dan Kidy lho! Kenapa? Soalnya 4 tahun yang lalu, tepatnya tanggal 1 Januari 2001, adalah pertemuan pertama gw dengan kekasih gw skarang ini. Pertemuannya di Mal Pondok Indah, siang-siang gitu deh. Udah lupa jam berapa, soalnya gw janjian jam berapa tapi doi telat satu setengah jam… huhuhu .
Di pertemuan yang pertama kali ini, yah boleh lah dibilang hanya sekedar kopdar aja sih. Kenapa? Soalnya pertemuannya karena emang pengen ketemu aja gitu loh. Trus gw juga penasaran banget untuk ketemu setelah selama ini komunikasi hanya via mIRC dan telepon. Sebenarnya janjian kopdarnya rencana tanggal 3 Januari skalian ke Dufan, tapi karena gw ga ngapa2in sementara doi dah balik dari cuti ke Malang waktu itu.
Tapi yang perlu dicatat bahwa pada pertemuan tanggal 1 Januari 2001 itu, gw dan Kidy belum sama sekali jadian loh! Oh iya, gw ama Kidy dah kenal sejak kapan tahun di dunia Undernet-nya mIRC, di channel #Pondok.
Nah kembali pada cerita nostalgila itu. Yah gitu deh akhirnya kita ketemuan di Gunung Agung, Mal Pondok Indah lt. 3. Setelah gw nunggu satu setengah jam karena katanya Kidy ga dapat taksi. Pas dia datang gw lagi asyik jongkok2 di bagian kuas dan cat-cat air gitu. Ga lama setelah itu gw berdiri dia udah muncul. Lalu kita ngider2 lagi lihat-lihat buku. Terus terang banget gw tuh sudah bosan banget nunggu di Gunung Agung ini, mana buku2nya disegel lagi, jadi nggak bisa di baca. Ga seperti di Gramedia (Gramedia waktu itu kayaknya tutup deh kan tanggal 1 Januari). Yah jadinya gw ngekorin Kidy lihat2 buku. Satu hal yang lucu, gw notice kalo dia buka-buka buku tuh gemetaran gitu tangannya. Wah grogi ya ketemu gw, mas?
Lalu setelah itu kita pergi nonton Charlie’s Angels (waktu itu masih yang pertama, belum sekuelnya), makan di Hoka Hoka Bento, jalan-jalan ke Toys lihat2 doang (dan gw suka kejeduk di situ :p padahal suwer ga grogi loh ). Di bioskop aja sableng banget hehehe.. saking capeknya berdiri gw dengan iseng banget bilang “duh pengen duduk di tempat sampah itu”. Habisnya ga ada tempat duduk lagi seh . Belum lagi pas dah dapat tempat duduk, n waktu gw mau nyender ke belakang malah kejeduk.. Wadoh! Malunya .
Tapi biarin dah, dengan segala ke-clumsy-an gw, terbukti kalo he loves me just the way I am. Ga perlu jaga imej untuk memikat dia hehehe. Soalnya selama gw ketemu itu, I am still what I am. Always.
Love you, hunny

Nantikan cerita hari keramat kedua, ketiga dst gw ma Kidy. So, to be contiunued..

Season of Longer Darkness

Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning.
For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never forsake you.” That is why we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, so I will not be afraid.”

Ah, it’s now November. Outside Indonesia, winter starts settling in as autumn’s colors fade to duller hues of gray and brown. Hints of winter’s coming chill shock our unsuspecting faces. We leave for work or school in the slow fade of the night’s darkness. We return home in the early evening’s dark embrace. From the beginning of November until late December, each day brings a longer darkness. Each night descends with more haste and departs with greater reluctance. We live in the season of longer darkness.
Not a few folks of faith find themselves in the spiritual season of longer darkness. A job loss, an unwanted divorce, the death of loved one, the lingering illness of someone precious, the diminishing reserves of retirement, the bitter loss of the mind�s ability, a grievous wounding by a friend, the spiritual failure of a hero… any of these and many more hurts can leave us in the season of longer darkness. In the season of longer darkness, faith�s fire doesn�t burn as bright and its moments of shining don�t last as long. Life is much more a struggle and faith is very much a battle with our will.
How do we survive the season of longer darkness? Where do we find fresh hope to continue what seems like a longer and harder journey of faith?
In the physical season of longer darkness, there are surprising moments of joy and delight, things like…

  • The refreshing chill in the air after a long hot summer
  • The beauty of a cold clear night where the world sparkles under a full moon
  • The purifying clean and the soft hushed tones of new fallen snow
  • The opportunity for more rest during the longer nights
  • In much the same way, God brings us blessings in the spiritual season of longer darkness. Because life is more a struggle and the spiritual dimensions of our life are more a battle, we often miss these touches of grace, these surprising moments of joy and delight. However, if we look closely we will find them. While sometimes overworked, the little poem �Footprints� still resonates within our hearts because we have found its message true. God does join us in the darkest parts of our season of longer darkness.
    “One night I had a dream–
    I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord
    and across the sky flashes scenes of my life.
    For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonged to me and the other to the Lord.
    When the last scene of my life flashed before me,
    I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
    I noticed that many times along the path of my life,
    there was only one set of footprints.
    I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in my life. This really bothered me and I questioned the Lord about it.
    “Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you would walk with me all the way, but I’ve noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints.
    I don’t understand why in times when I needed you most, you should leave me.”
    The Lord replied, “My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never, never leave you during your times of trial and suffering.
    When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you”
    -Author Unknown-

    Yes, sometimes, and maybe even often times in the season of longer darkness, we face grueling periods of perseverance brought on by life’s trials or our own failures and sin. But even in this long season, and even in the darkest of nights that try the human soul, we are not abandoned. No matter what our circumstances suggest, our God is faithful and he has promised that the night will pass; he will not forsake us. No matter how long the night may seem, morning will come with its joy.
    So hold on if you are in the longer season. And if you are not, find someone who is, and help point them to the Light until their darkness passes.

    busy day

    Hari ini dari pagi sibuk ngurusin update website yang selalu tertunda, masukin review-review anime yang sebenarnya dah ada tapi lom diketik masuk aja ;p Trus jam 13.30 janjian ama anak-anak sekelas di Shorai, main ke Konsulat Jendral Jepang. Ngapain? Hehehe bukan mau ngurus visa, tapi mau jalan-jalan aja liat-liat librarynya ;p~ Yang akhirnya terkumpul cuma Edwin-kun, Maryn-chan, Riri-chan, n Yuki-chan. Yang lain (Nurul-chan, Ulfa-san n Shinta-san) ga bisa datang dengan tanpa alasan :( Hehehe seru juga di dalam, kita ngobrak-ngabrik librarynya, nonton anime (Cardcaptor Sakura), dengerin musik (OST-nya Cardcaptor Sakura n Utada Hikaru), baca-baca buku (ada buku yang all about sushi lhoo.. woo ;p~ ngiler abis deh liat-liat sushi…). Pas pulangnya kita ngumpulin brosur-brosur, sempat fotokopi kliping artikel mengenai manga n anime jepang, n bawa pulang maksimal 2 buah majalah di dalam situ, hehehe n semuanya itu gratis :)) Gile deh, hihihi… Abis itu gue balik ke rumah. Jam 19.00 pergi lagi ke KFC yang di jalan A. Yani soale ada bazaar-nya anak-anak KMKT (ga enak kalo ga pergi soale dah janji ;p).. ngumpul-ngumpul deh ama Uwie (n partner ;p), Inyo, Jerry, n Max ;)


    Tadi rencananya mau nonton Star Wars yang jam 19.15 di Makassar. Trus setelah ngumpul ke Makassar Theatre, uff ternyata Star Wars dah turun n diganti ama The Sums of the Fear.. hiks hiks :( Terpaksa deh karena Batta sudah keburu belikan tiket untuk Theatre 1 tanpa lihat-lihat n konfirm dulu ke kita-kira. Terpaksa deh nonton itu.. tapi pilemnya lumayan bagus lah, tentang perselisihan AS dan Rusia n serta bom-boman gitu.. ada juga mata-matanya gitu.. yah lumayan lah. Yang nonton itu gue, Max, Uwie, Yoyol, Batta n Jerry. Abis itu kita makan ba’ pao di Kios Lompobattang tapi yang di jalan Sangir n then pulangggg….. zzzz ;p


    Hari ini bener-bener bikin BT deh! Semua rencana bener-bener kacau gara-gara bangun telat.. wuih kacau deh ;p~ Mestinya bangun jam 7 tapi dasar kepala gue masih sakit banget jadinya tidur lagi n bangun jam 08.45! Padahal gue mesti pergi ngambil jilid skripsi di Agung jam 8 n kuliah jam 09.20… kacauuu… Yah emang sih akhirnya langsung mandi n langsung ke Agung, tapi ga sempat kuliah lagi karena mesti ke BRI dulu buat bayar KKN, eh taunya ternyata KKN itu cuma bisa dibayar di BRI cabang Tamalanrea n cabang Cokroaminoto (di dekat pintu II UNHAS). Lalu gue langsung mau ke Kandea buat minta tandatangan sama drg. Heni eh ternyata lupa daftar nilai tambahan yang kudu dibawa untuk tulis nilainya. Terpaksa deh ke kampus dulu ngambil daftar nilai tambahan, kelimpungan nyari fotokopian karena Pak Basri (pegawai TU) ga mau ngasih aslinya (ih bikin lama aja!), trus ngebut lagi ke Kandea. Eh sampai ke Kandea taunya drg. Heni malah ga ada, BT ga sih.. Dia ternyata lagi ngasih kuliah, ga tau kuliah apaan pula. Trus balik lagi deh ke kampus buat ngurusin KKN. Pas nyampe sana dah jam 12 siang, pegawainya BRI di kampus lagi istirahat, jadinya mesti nunggu lagi sampai jam 1. Ya udah gue balik lagi ke fakultas, eh ga ada orang yang bisa diajak nongkrong di sana, penuh dengan anak-anak angkatan 99 ke bawah deh. Karena bosen gue bawa mobil aja sampai ke daerah baruga sana trus nunggu di situ aja. Kan dari situ jalan ke BRI-nya ga jauh-jauh amat daripada mesti jalan dari fakultas lagi. Pas jam 1 langsung gue ke BRI n abis itu cabut. Ada kepikiran sih mau mampir ke fakultas dulu skalian nyetor blanko n biodata lengkap plus registrasi ulang KKN, tapi gue trus inget kalo PR kursus bahasa jepang gue blom gue selesaikan so langsung ngebut pulang soale jam 4 dah mulai kursus ;p Dan ternyata dibalik nyantainya gue keluar kampus, ternyata di dalam dekat JasBoq Pertanian para mahasiswa lagi asik-asiknya tawuran segala pake acara lempar batu.. buset deh anak-anak Teknik itu ;p Hehehehe yayangku sampai worry lho ;p~ Ah udah ah dah malem mau tidur dulu yaaaa.. bye…