For the third consecutive time, Mozilla Indonesia participated in Wikusama Festival (WikuFest), SMK Telkom Malang, on the 30–31 January 2015. In 2013 and 2014, Mozilla Indonesia also participated on the same event.
This year’s WikuFest speakers from Mozilla Indonesia are: Arief Bayu Purwanto, Irayani Queencyputri (Rara), Fauzan Alfi, Muhammad Fadhil, and Rizki Dwi Kelimutu (FSA Univ. Dian Nuswantoro).

What is WikuFest? According to their site, Wikusama Festival is an annual event held by Ikatan Alumni Wikusama (Wikusama Alumni League), a two-day seminar with speakers from SMK Telkom Malang alumni, whom has proven their track record in the ICT industry.

Just like last year, WikuFest provided parallel classes that students of SMK Telkom Malang could participate in. Although students from the 11th and 12th grade could join the classes, the 10th graders were expected to only join the event as volunteers.

This year’s class from Mozilla was quite varied. There was a four-hour Maker Party hosted by Fauzan and Fadhil, and two sessions of workshop on Support Mozilla (SuMo) sprint hosted by Kelimutu. Arief, as usual, gave talks on the topic Bootstrap Your Firefox OS Development. There was also a class on Privacy and Security on the Web by Rara, and a class on How to Contribute by Fauzan.

Other than the parallel classes that were mentioned, there was also a Mentor Meetup. During this meetup, the participants of WikuFest were invited to approach any speakers and started a discussion on a topic they liked.

The festivities of WikuFest did not end with the classes. The process of sharing and learning remain ongoing even after the festival had wrapped up. See you later on the next WikuFest!
Photos of the event can be accessed via Flickr.