Hiatus *again*
Again I’m trying to hiatus. No other reason, just getting more busier than ever. Too many things to think, too many problems to solve. Gotta think the priority now.
No comment and no post for a moment.
So tired, so stressed, need rest, need support, need refreshing.
A Friend in Need is A Friend Indeed
Here’s my bestfriends in Dentistry Faculty of Hasanuddin University.
Above: Ija, Bati, me, Helvine, Husnul.
Below: Echie, Wati, Emmy, Rasymi, Incha.
Congratulation for Randy!!
Last night on AFI pre-elimination concert, the 12 winner which can enter as an academia in AFI is published! Makassar got 3 candidates and 2 of them are IN!! Randy and Leo. They’re the best, but I’d rather Randy than Leo. Because Randy’s voice is so thrilling!! Kidy said that Randy is the next Andre Hehanusa hehehe. So, everyone, please vote for Randy ok??
Type AFI (space) RANDY and send it to 3977 by sms!!
Understanding Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder
Although you use it hundreds of times each day, you may never give a second thought to your temporomandibular joint, or “TMJ” for short. This complex joint connects your lower jaw (called the mandible) with the temporal bones of your skull, found on each side of your head in front of each ear. A small disc of cartilage separates the bones so that the mandible can easily move every time you chew.
The TMJ is one of the most complicated joints in the human body. Anything that causes a change in its shape or function can bring on head, facial and jaw pain that is known as a TMJ disorder.
Typically, a patient suffering from a TMJ disorder experiences headaches, soreness in the chewing muscles and clicking, stiffness or locking of the jaw joints,” said Charles Tentinger, D.D.S., an oral surgeon at Marshfield Clinic. “Pain may also spread to the ears, neck or shoulders.”
In most patients with a TMJ disorder, pain results from displacement of the cartilage disc that causes pressure and stretching of the associated sensory nerves.
“The most common TMJ disorder is the result of habitual clenching, gritting or grinding of the teeth or jaw (also called bruxism),” Dr. Tentinger said. “Less commonly, the condition may be related to trauma from an injury or accident.”
Many people may not even realize they grind their teeth, especially if they do so in their sleep,” added Weiguang Ma, D.D.S., M.D.S., Ph.D., an oral surgeon at Marshfield Clinic. “But habitually doing so increases the wear on the cartilage lining of the joint and it doesn’t have a chance to recover.”
Psychological stress, anxiety and other related factors play a role in TMJ disorders. “In addition to physical, anatomic reasons that can be clearly people identified and measured – such as displaced cartilage, for example – most TMJ patients I see are undergoing a great deal of stress or may have a psychiatric illness or other health issue that contributes to their condition,” said Jeffrey Davis, D.D.S., also an oral surgeon at the Clinic. “This makes sense when you consider how many of us brace a muscle when we feel stress. For some people, it’s the shoulder or neck muscles; for others, it is the teeth and jaw area.”
While research has yet to determine why, TMJ disorders most commonly are seen in women, typically in their childbearing years.
“For every male patient, I see 20 females with this condition,” said Dr. Davis. “Although we can speculate as to why women in this age group more often experience TMJ disorders, we don’t have a factual explanation for it.”
“Some theories relate it to the ways women may deal with stress; others say it may be hormone related, but we honestly don’t know why more women than men suffer from TMJ syndrome,” said Bernadette Wilson, D.D.S., M.D., another of the Clinic’s oral surgeons.
The good news about TMJ is that, in the majority of cases – up to 80 percent – this painful condition can be relieved through conservative, non-surgical treatment that includes thorough patient education.
“Seventy to 80 percent of TMJ patients respond well to non-invasive remedies such as resting the muscles and joints by eating a diet of soft foods, becoming more aware of and avoiding clenching or grinding their teeth, using moist heat packs and practicing simple jaw relaxation techniques,” said Yvonne DeJean, D.D.S., also an oral surgeon at the Clinic.
Additional non-surgical TMJ treatment options include physical therapy; biofeedback with an occupational therapist; non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications; or a night guard, splint or other orthotic device that helps patients stop clenching or grinding their teeth while they sleep.
“In most instances, relief can be provided without surgical intervention,” said Dr. Davis. “A small group of individuals requires minimally invasive surgery, which may be as simple as washing out the joint with salt water. The next stage is arthroscopic manipulation, and the end stage of treatment could be a total reconstruction of the jaw joint.”
Dr. Davis stressed that surgery is recommended only in advanced cases, for example, if the condition clearly affects a patient’s ability to speak or chew. “Perhaps there is acute locking of the jaw joint, or the person has already gone through the realm of conservative therapies without improvement,” he said.
Source: marshfieldclinic.org
Whoaaa.. Whoa… Whoaa!!
Whoa.. Today I got so stressed. Well not too stressed because actually I can cover it up. It just a shock for a while. Why?? Because this Saturday, I have to make a case presentation about “Clinical Examination and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder Patients“. Sounds wierd, isn’t it? Hehehe…
So, what is a temporomandibular and what is this temporomandibular disorder that I am talking about?
Simply stated, the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the two joints that connect your jaw to your skull. More specifically, they are the joints that slide and rotate in front of each ear, and consist of the mandible (the lower jaw) and the temporal bone (the side and base of the skull). When the mandible and the joints are properly aligned, a smooth muscle action, such as chewing, can take place. When these components are not aligned, nor synchronized in movement, several problems may occur. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are disorders of the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and/or the nerves associated with chronic facial pain. Any problem that prevents the complex system of muscles, bones, and joints from working together in harmony may result in temporomandibular disorder.
Confused? Never mind, me too. Why I’m shocked? Because it is so sudden, and tomorrow I have to bring all my science writing about the presentation to all my lecturer in Prosthodontic section. I have to deliver right to their hands. The deadline is this Wednesday on 23.59, which is mean tomorrow!
Gosh! My reference is not completed yet, that’s also a point of shock.
So, please pray for me ok? Hope me success on Saturday.. Ganbatte me! :p
Become Cooler!!
I surf back to manage my shoutbox/chatterbox at chatter.flooble.com, then I saw a cool link written.. “want to become cooler?”.. Hehehe then I followed the link, entering my name.. then this is what I got :p
This certifies that I, Irayani Queencyputri,
Have Become Cooler Than I was Before |
You too can become cooler at flooble
Yesterday night on AFI 3’s Pre-elimination’s Concert, Cindy AFI, Micky AFI and Lia AFI sang a really good and encougraging song. The song titled “Optimis“, was performed by AB Three. Here’s the lyric:
Tak perlu malu dan kecil hati apalagi frustasi
Terlampau keji bila terlintas hendak ingin bunuh diri
Anggap derita sebagai cobaan
Untuk pengalaman yang mesti dapat
Kita hadapi dengan hati yang lapang
Kegagalan itu hal biasa dalam hidup ini
Setiap orang pasti punya satu masalah
dan masa lalu
Teman! Hidup ini hanya satu kali
Teman! Untuk apa kita menyiksa diri
Hadapilah semua kenyataan yang ada
Setarailah cita cita hidup bahagiaaaaaaaaa …
As I watch the program, I remembered one of my friend, Wati. She was so stressed-out about clinic. She was really obsessed to be a dentist in September by entering the conservation section in the clinic for one visit only, but in fact, she couldn’t. She couldn’t finished her jacket crown case, because the patient didn’t too cooperative. then she get into a deep inhale frustation. And I think, she must hear this song. This is a really nice song, so encouraging!
Sadly, because of her obsession, all things becomes worst. She forgot her ethic in front of her patient. She took her best friend’s patient, just for make her obsession comes true.
“How would you define success?” Must you be rich? Own your company? Become famous? Does it include world travel? Extensive education? Becoming the best in your field? Does success include happiness, good health and a sexy body? A strong marriage and family? God?
How do we quantify success? Is it a world record time? Is it a personal best in an event? Did we achieve all we could achieve? Did we challenge the limits of our own capabilities? Competition is not bad if the goal is for us to be our best. Glory is in the effort, dedication, and striving. That is where character is refined and success is achieved. But ultimately success is not measured against others so much as it is against ourselves and our God-given potential.
Yet success has to be something more than achieving our maximum potential. John Maxwell has defined success as “KNOWING my purpose in life, GROWING to my maximum potential, and SOWING seeds that benefit others.” Being our best is more than personal achievement. Success is knowing God has a plan and has called me to fit into His plan. Success is the character forged on the journey to grow into God’s person, the person He made me to be. Success is blessing others in ways He would bless them to give something back and not just take from others.
Are you looking for that elusive obsession called success? First, discover what success truly means and then be willing to work for it with every talent you possess. Apostle Paul near the end of the same letter wrote “…be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”
There are Trees and There are Trees
The loquat tree flourishes, flowers and fruits without any period of leaflessness. It is never boring, bare or barren. In season and out, the loquat tree is gracious, green and gifted.
By contrast, the apricot tree loses leaves, loses luster and loses life. It droops, drops and dies. Out of season it is pricked, pruned and punished.
Of the two, you would choose the loquat tree to have around in all seasons. It is good company any time of the year even when it is not producing fruit. Indeed, its fruiting period is brief and its fruit is not particularly versatile. You have to eat it while it’s fresh and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
The apricot tree is enjoyable for only half the time. For the other half, it is uncompromising, uncomfortable and uncaring.
But let me tell you something: when the apricot tree is off-season and not at all nice to have around, my pantry is still full of its goodness. There are dried apricots, cooked apricots and jam apricots. It might be less attractive than the loquat tree but it gives food for the down season.
People are like the trees. Some are great to have around all the time. They are loquacious, likeable and lovable. Others bear fruit that lasts for years. They are stimulating, stalwart and storable.
The wise man said “A soothing word is a tree of life.”
It is good to have a variety of trees in your orchard, isn’t it?
Running on Empty
“We won’t run out,” I said confidently. “There’s enough gas in there to get you home and me too. I know the gas gauge on this car.” My cousin and I were on our way home after a big shopping, and it was close to midnight. He had seen that the needle was past empty, so he let me know that he had no intention of walking the rest of the way home.
As usual, I was running on empty. It’s not that I didn’t have the money. I simply didn’t leave myself enough time to stop for few bucks worth before we arrived at the mall. We had just enough time to play before the curtain rose.
When I looked at the gauge realistically, I knew he had reason to worry. “I must be running on fumes,” I said to myself. He never heard the huge sigh of the relief I breathed when we pulled into his driveway. Nor did I ever tell him that I ran out of gas less than 3 blocks from the house and had to walk a mile to get home.
I’ve done the same thing spiritually. I’ve kept myself running at top speed, barely slowing down to say hello to the Lord at the end of the day. I get up late the next morning, rush headlong into the day, and keep repeating the cycle. I allow no time for reading the Bible or more than a 10-second “thanks for the food” prayer. There’s certainly no time for reflecting on the character of God or carrying on an extended conversation with Him. That’s a case of running on spiritual empty – vulnerable – in danger, with no reserves left to keep going.
So what’s the answer? Keep he tanks of your mind and heart filled in a variety ways: Fellowship with believers regularly. Spend quality time in the Word. Take time to pray deeply and honestly. Meditate on God’s truth. If you’ll use these spiritual tank-fillers, you won’t find yourself running on empty!
� Why do I think I don’t have time for fellowship, Bible reading, and prayer?
� What does that tell me about what’s important to me?
� What should I do to keep my spiritual tanks full?
So.. what is your answer of reflection? The answers is yours!! :)
Election Day!
It’s the election day! People in this country on this day doing their rights. Elect who will be the best leader for each person. What have you chose today? Hmmph.. I bet many people in this country confused about the election. All candidates just the same. Too much promising. But when elected, they forgot all the promises they ever said. Truly, I want a leader who can bring us back to normal life, bring the minority got the same rights with the others, and the most of all.. I want PEACE!
I got a short story from HEARTLIGHT Online Magazine about the election.
An Audacious Miracle!
The city was surrounded by the enemy and slowly but surely starving to death. Donkey heads were being sold on the streets for food. Even little children were being fought over by parents to be eaten as food. Humanity had sunk to its lowest possible level. It could not get any worse.
A local preacher confronted the city leadership with a message. �By this time tomorrow, there will be so much food that bushels of flour will be sold on the streets for pennies.� One leader stood to question such a bold prophecy and the preacher pointed his bony old finger in his direction and replies: �You�ll see it with your own eyes, but you will never taste any of it!�
What a prediction: A city going from famine to feast in 24 hours? From donkey head soup to a chicken in every pot? Does it sound like election year politics with too many empty promises? Who is this preacher trying to kid? There would have to be a military victory followed by an economic miracle and all occurring in one day! Who could possibly accomplish all of this?
Meanwhile, in another part of the city, near the outside wall were four men with leprosy, a gruesome disease believed to be highly contagious. Anyone with leprosy was considered an outcast from society. These poor men could not even remain in the city to starve with the rest of the people. They were shunned, feared and abandoned.
One leper had an idea. �Why stay here to die? Let�s go to the enemy camps outside the gate and surrender? If they spare us, we might get some food and live. If they kill us…hey we�re dying anyway!� They all agreed, so in the middle of the night, four starving lepers shuffled and hobbled their way down the hill to the enemy camp to surrender and hopefully get a meal.
Here comes the miracle! The sound of their shuffling feet was somehow magnified to resemble the attack of a mighty army. The sleeping soldiers heard the noise, panicked and ran for their lives leaving their weapons, clothes and all of their food behind. What made these hardened soldiers run? The sound of four sick, starving lepers stumbling down the mountain to surrender.
As the lepers reached the camp they were greeted with silence and the inviting aroma of fresh pepperoni pizza. �It�s party time!� one shouted. They ate and drank, carried away money, clothes and all the food they could eat. Then they said to each other: �We�re not doing right. This is a day of Good News and we are keeping it to ourselves. We must report this to the city.�
At first the city didn�t believe the lepers shouting outside the gate, but they sent a scouting party and found everything to be true. The enemy had run away leaving the whole lot behind. The gates were opened and everyone rushed out to eat and take away whatever could be found. Food was so plentiful that a bushel of flour could now be sold for pennies as predicted. The leader who originally questioned the preacher was assigned the duty of counting everything that was brought back. In the confusion, he was trampled to death, all as the preacher predicted.
Wild? Yes, but it�s true. (Not the pizza) But what can we learn?
Tragedy is a part of life: The city is suffering just as you and I often suffer.
God is in the midst of our tragedy: God never abandons you.
Ordinary Humans are often used by God to accomplish miracles: Four Lepers?
Our bold faith and willingness to take risks honor God: This means you.
Hearing this story gave me the courage to give up my career and plunge into the ministry. Maybe, hearing this can inspire you to do something bold for God.
After all, if God can use four lepers to accomplish an audacious miracle, just think what can be done with you and me!
Think of that!