People changes?

Ada orang yang masuk ke dalam hidup kita dan berlalu dengan cepat. Ada yang tinggal beberapa lama dan meninggalkan jejak dalam hati kita. Dan diri kita pun tak akan pernah sama seperti sebelumnya.

Percayakah kamu kalau orang akan berubah?
Berikut pembicaraan gw dan teman lama gw. Teman gw semasa SMU tapi dia dah pindah ke Jakarta sejak lulus kuliah karena dia mendaftar di salah satu universitas di Jakarta..
Oh iya pembicaraan ini berlangsung tahun lalu, jadi pas film GiE baru main di bioskop.

d_k3moy: hoi
raraklanis: hai juga

d_k3moy: sibuk??
raraklanis: nggak, lagi update blog
raraklanis: sama ngintip2 rumah orang pake

d_k3moy: ooooo
raraklanis: :)

d_k3moy: hah??
raraklanis: hah?

d_k3moy: kok ngitip rmh org??
raraklanis: ya liat2 rumah orang pake foto satelit
raraklanis: but US only

d_k3moy: oooooooo
d_k3moy: gak sopan dong
raraklanis: sopan kok, kan cuma ngintip dari atas, atapnya doang

d_k3moy: hahahaha
raraklanis: wek
raraklanis: Udah nonton GiE?

d_k3moy: wah tontonan berat…
d_k3moy: batman begins aja belum
d_k3moy: amma war of the wolrd
raraklanis: kok berat? jangan diangkat kalau berat
raraklanis: batman begins ama war of the world nonton di DVD aja

d_k3moy: waks… BAJAKAN
d_k3moy: STOP PIRACY
d_k3moy: :D
raraklanis: loh emang DVD harus bajakan? kan ada DVD asli :P

d_k3moy: mang udah ada DVD aslinya??
raraklanis: nggak, nunggu aja
raraklanis: i prefer film indonesia :)

d_k3moy: still the same Irayani
d_k3moy: :D
raraklanis: swgtl :P

d_k3moy: irayani GITU…..
raraklanis: so what gitu loh :P

d_k3moy: hahaha… i’m not teasing you…. just remembering what you used to be
raraklanis: sum ppl totally changes, sum ppl totally stays the same, but i prefer changes in a few things and stays the same in some reasons :)

d_k3moy: wakakakak… and what do you think about me??
raraklanis: dunno much bout u, since we didnt that close for a few years.. hmm probably totally changes in some way :D

d_k3moy: in what way??
raraklanis: lots of ways, but u know urself better than me lah.. :P

d_k3moy: tell me 1 issue
raraklanis: umm.. smoke?

d_k3moy: hahahahahah :D
d_k3moy: correct… and did you think that’s a major change in me
raraklanis: probably.. i’ve told u.., i dunno bout u much coz we’re not that close for many years :)
raraklanis: but 1 thing, never know u a smoker before.. sadly you get into that bad habitual :(

d_k3moy: :D
d_k3moy: well that’ s a different perspective from you
d_k3moy: but, i think every one has a “trigger” inside them
raraklanis: hehehe different gimaneh? biasa aja lah :)

d_k3moy: when the trigger to start to smoke is on… then must definetely he will turn to a smoker
raraklanis: has a “trigger” or not is a thing, but another thing is depends how can we control it :)

d_k3moy: well, there is a certain point in my life… that trigger that thing
d_k3moy: and i embrace it with no regrets
d_k3moy: though it’s a bad habit
raraklanis: well everyone got their own path of thoughts, so it’s on your own :) choose that path and prepare for the end whether like it or not.. *this is for everything in life*
raraklanis: not just about smoke
raraklanis: so up to us to choose, it’s free heheh..don’t wanna judge anything about everything :D
raraklanis: anakin skywalker aja bisa brubah gitu jadi darth vader :D

d_k3moy: i agree with you about the choice.. and the path we must take in life
d_k3moy: so i’ll make sure to you that i prepare for anything…
d_k3moy: it’s a major change… that’s right but it’s not change who am i
raraklanis: perhaps we are much older now than those “happy life” in high school, so everyone will know the initial thing of choosing something heheh, not just u and me lah.. everyone in this kind of ages :D

d_k3moy: wakakakakak… that’s right
raraklanis: :)
raraklanis: so what do u think about me?? <-- gantian :D

d_k3moy: about what?
raraklanis: refers to the upper point up there.. scroll up dude! :D

d_k3moy: wakakaka… let’s see :P
raraklanis: be honest lah.. :D

d_k3moy: what change did you have…. (I must read her blogs first to give some good statement)
d_k3moy: :D
raraklanis: hayah.. hayo!

d_k3moy: well… like you said… you never change a bit
d_k3moy: still the same ira…
raraklanis: huhuhu.. boring huh? the same me after many years heuhehehehe

d_k3moy: no.. it’s not like that
d_k3moy: that’s good for you
raraklanis: why?

d_k3moy: well… it’s mean that you are you (kyk iklan rokok wakakakak rokok lagi)
d_k3moy: you like the person that you reflecting with
raraklanis: whoa? whos’ that person? hehehe

d_k3moy: the person inside you…
raraklanis: inside me?

d_k3moy: the person you like
raraklanis: hehehe i start to get confused what do u mean :)

d_k3moy: the person inside you…. you get used to that…. and don’t want to change a bit about her…
raraklanis: hihi… her?

d_k3moy: yes… get it?? not him… her
d_k3moy: hoyy get it gak??
d_k3moy: :D
raraklanis: nggak
raraklanis: *scratching my unscratched head*

d_k3moy: ah sudahlah… still the same you
d_k3moy: :D
raraklanis: wek wek
raraklanis: syukurlah kalau gitu :D

d_k3moy: yah udah deh ra, gue mau cabut yah
raraklanis: lah?

d_k3moy: udah ah… bye2 then… hope you will be always became trully ira
d_k3moy: bye2
raraklanis: ya udah :)
raraklanis: c ya

d_k3moy: salam ama nyokap
d_k3moy: bye

People do changes.
How about you?

12 Replies to “People changes?”

  1. salam kenal juga neng….gw selalu ke sini lho sejak tau blog ini anak makassar punya. taunya dari blog ochan, beberapa bulan lalu. keep…smile! meski orang datang dan pergi, entah meninggalkan luka, atau kenangan manis :)

  2. BERUBAH….JADI GABAN…xixixi..:D

    ya jelas lah…SEMUA ORANG BERUBAH…dalam pengertian dan kondisi apapun. lah, kalo statis, apa mau ‘diterjang’ oleh perubahan waktu?

    hanya orang2 ‘tolol’ yang membiarkan dirinya tidak berubah…ke arah yg lebih baik tentunya..:)

    *aihhhh…side B kok serius seehhh…*

  3. wah, pindah ya. ga bilang2 :(
    postingan yg mirip!
    dan aku.. aku..
    berubah dalam hitungan detik! hsihsihsihihsihs.. (bgimana dong?)

  4. Hihihihihi… kok chat kita dipublish sih ‘ra ?? Wah, gue musti dapet royalti dong….??? ^_^ Yah ternyata byk tanggepan yah obrolan kita?? People Changes… Why Not ?? Jika itu tulus…. Cuek aja lageeee…


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