Hari ini bener-bener bikin BT deh! Semua rencana bener-bener kacau gara-gara bangun telat.. wuih kacau deh ;p~ Mestinya bangun jam 7 tapi dasar kepala gue masih sakit banget jadinya tidur lagi n bangun jam 08.45! Padahal gue mesti pergi ngambil jilid skripsi di Agung jam 8 n kuliah jam 09.20… kacauuu… Yah emang sih akhirnya langsung mandi n langsung ke Agung, tapi ga sempat kuliah lagi karena mesti ke BRI dulu buat bayar KKN, eh taunya ternyata KKN itu cuma bisa dibayar di BRI cabang Tamalanrea n cabang Cokroaminoto (di dekat pintu II UNHAS). Lalu gue langsung mau ke Kandea buat minta tandatangan sama drg. Heni eh ternyata lupa daftar nilai tambahan yang kudu dibawa untuk tulis nilainya. Terpaksa deh ke kampus dulu ngambil daftar nilai tambahan, kelimpungan nyari fotokopian karena Pak Basri (pegawai TU) ga mau ngasih aslinya (ih bikin lama aja!), trus ngebut lagi ke Kandea. Eh sampai ke Kandea taunya drg. Heni malah ga ada, BT ga sih.. Dia ternyata lagi ngasih kuliah, ga tau kuliah apaan pula. Trus balik lagi deh ke kampus buat ngurusin KKN. Pas nyampe sana dah jam 12 siang, pegawainya BRI di kampus lagi istirahat, jadinya mesti nunggu lagi sampai jam 1. Ya udah gue balik lagi ke fakultas, eh ga ada orang yang bisa diajak nongkrong di sana, penuh dengan anak-anak angkatan 99 ke bawah deh. Karena bosen gue bawa mobil aja sampai ke daerah baruga sana trus nunggu di situ aja. Kan dari situ jalan ke BRI-nya ga jauh-jauh amat daripada mesti jalan dari fakultas lagi. Pas jam 1 langsung gue ke BRI n abis itu cabut. Ada kepikiran sih mau mampir ke fakultas dulu skalian nyetor blanko n biodata lengkap plus registrasi ulang KKN, tapi gue trus inget kalo PR kursus bahasa jepang gue blom gue selesaikan so langsung ngebut pulang soale jam 4 dah mulai kursus ;p Dan ternyata dibalik nyantainya gue keluar kampus, ternyata di dalam dekat JasBoq Pertanian para mahasiswa lagi asik-asiknya tawuran segala pake acara lempar batu.. buset deh anak-anak Teknik itu ;p Hehehehe yayangku sampai worry lho ;p~ Ah udah ah dah malem mau tidur dulu yaaaa.. bye…

Dental Device Cuts Pain, Lengthens Injection Time

source: Pediatric Dentistry 2002;24:315-320.
A computerized injection device can lessen the pain children endure at the dentist`s office, but it takes longer to administer than the traditional anesthetic jab, which may mean kids who receive it will spend more time squirming in the dentist`s chair.

“We found that it actually helps reduce the discomfort during the initial injection (of anesthesia),” study lead author Dr. Keith D. Allen, a professor of pediatrics and psychology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, told Reuters Health.

The computerized device, called the Wand and made by Milestone Scientific, Inc., injects the numbing solution into the gums at the slowest possible rate. The device is available to dentists, but little research has been conducted on whether it is useful for reducing pain among young children.

To investigate, Allen and his colleagues conducted a study comparing the Wand to a traditional anesthetic injection. Milestone Scientific helped fund the research, which is published in the August issue of the journal Pediatric Dentistry.

Forty children requiring local anesthesia for dental procedures were randomly assigned to receive Wand injections or traditional injections. The children ranged in age from 2 to 5.

The investigators measured signals of pain such as moaning, crying and moving.

Children given the Wand injection cried less and were less disruptive, the researchers found. For example, none of the children using the Wand required some kind of restraint during the first 15 seconds of the shot, while nearly half the children receiving a traditional shot did.

But Allen noted that the Wand injection takes an average of 3 minutes to administer. A traditional shot may hurt more, but takes only around 15 seconds.

“With preschoolers, because the Wand takes so much longer, by the time you`re done, those kids are becoming a little fidgety,” he said. “It`s faster to get a shot–but it hurts more. It takes a little longer to do a Wand injection, but you end up with a kid who is less disruptive and in less pain.”

However, this lengthy injection time may outweigh the benefits of reduced pain, noted Dr. Joel Weaver, a spokesperson for the American Dental Association and the director of anesthesiology at Ohio State University`s College of Dentistry. “This Wand can be beneficial in some children, but the advantages seemed to go away as the injection continued for a long period of time,” he told Reuters Health.

For example, at 45 seconds into the injections, 80% of patients receiving injections from both the Wand and the regular injection became disruptive.

However, Allen contended that reducing the extreme pain of the traditional shot and adding a period of only modest discomfort may help prevent children from developing a fear of the dentist. “You try to avoid experiences that are really discomforting for kids,” he said, “because you want them to associate going to the dentist with good things.”


after take 1 pil of Panadol extra and 2 pils of Ibuprofen 400mg, gosh!, my head is still so dizzy.. dunno why… n now a bit fever. oh no, don’t be fever, please, tomorrow is a busy day.. I need to do all those things! Take those skripsi from Agung, go to pay the KKN’s fee at BRI, then go to campus to re-registration for the KKN, then Pathology’s lecture, then go to Kandea… uff.. many things to do.. can’t think in one minute… *sigh*


*yawn* hari ini entah kenapa kepala gue puyeng banget pening ga karu-karuan :( tapi karena banyak urusan jadi kudu keluar rumah.. Pagi-pagi udah pergi ke Agung buat jilid skripsi (dah selesai dong!), trus ke kampus cepat-cepat karena mo mendaftar KKN dulu, trus nungguin kuliah Saraf yang mestinya jam 11.., eh ditunggu-tunggu malah jam 12 baru dateng dosennya.. padahal jam 12 itu jam selesai kuliah menurut jadwal kuliah. Abis itu langsung ke klinik mau ngurus supaya bisa bebas praktikum DK Ortho. Eh di klinik ketemu ama drg Donald langsung ditanyain “kamu dulu pernah ngambil mata kuliah ini kan? Ya udah kamu ga usah ikut praktikum n ga usah lihat aktivasi plus diskusi lagi, cukup ikut kuliah selama 8 minggu pertama.” Ugh.. seneng deh :)) Abis itu yah nyari buku diskusi tahun lalu buat bukti bahwa waktu ngambil yang lalu semuanya udah lengkap (aktivasi lengkap, diskusi lengkap, udah penyuluhan dan buat plat akrilik) trus lapor ke drg Susi. Seneng juga :) ..tapi skarang masih puyeng… *nyut nyut nyut* ga karuan (-_-);