How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

85%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Yeah yeah.. I know I am addicted to blogging :P I knew that since I moved my blog to my own domain, there I realized I did something serious in blogging. Although my hosting still taking up somebody’s space, but when I sat down and thinking what is the good domain name for my blog, I realized this is become so serious!!!

By the time I type this posting, I was blogwalking also. And I stopped at Anto’s blog and read one of his post. It is about stereotype blogger! A-ha! Just like I was about to write also hahaha.. Oh by the way, he puts a really good comic about blogger at his post, you should check it out!

Now people should put blog in one of the addiction in this world. Believe me, this is so real! Blogs are everywhere now. Everyone can have a blog, no exception. In, they said that you only need 3 steps to have a brand-new-blog in instant. And blogs now started to crawl and spreading so wide until it tickles journalists. Some journalists believes that blog is the new media in journalism, but painfully, some other journalists weren’t think the same. Hmm, but that’s another story :)

I remembered when I was introduced to internet, it was late 1997. All I know just e-mail, mailing list, and IRC. Then, after have some friends from IRC (I was in #indonesia -undernet, #makassar -undernet, and #pondok -undernet), then I learned how to make a personal website. At first I used Microsoft Word to help me understand those html language. I learned by searching and searching in the internet. My first personal website hosted at geocities. At that time geocities still have those long addresses, and they called neighborhood for the hosting :D

From personal website to a blog, it took a few years, until August 2002. I just realized, it is 9 years already I knew about website, and from that 9 years, 6 of them are my blogging time. And I’m still exist in the blog world, and proud of that. I hope I still blogging until the end of my life. And I hope that this blog will be my memories and remembrance of me, even if my life stops.

Friends, keep on blogging! Of course, always blogging with your own style :) because if you want to copy another blogger’s style into your style, believe me someday you will get tired of blogging! Let blogging be the part of your life!

Kaleidoskop 2006-2007

kaleidoscopeYa ya, saya tahu ini telat.. Telat 12 hari! Saatnya untuk beli test pack! *halah emang apaan???* :D :D
Kaleidoskop kok ada tanggalnya ya? Kan kaleidoskop itu sebenarnya benda yang berbentuk tabung, trus di ujung tabungnya itu ada kaca dan pernak pernik yang warna warni. Kemudian cara pakenya itu dilihat ke arah cahaya, lalu diputar-putar, biar cermin dan pernak pernik tadi juga berputar-putar, dan menghasilkan gambar-gambar abstrak yang cantik-cantik :)
Loh trus apa hubungannya ama tahun 2007? Ya kan gambar-gambar abstrak tersebut merupakan hasil refleksi dari kaca. Jadi kalau dibahasakan untuk hal-hal dalam kehidupan, kaleidoskop itu bisa merupakan refleksi kehidupan. Dan karena gambar2 pada kaleidoskop itu cantik-cantik, jadi yang direfleksikan itu yang cantik-cantik dan bagus-bagus. Bukan yang jelek-jelek dan buruk-buruk.
Pemahaman saya sih seperti itu… :p

Posting ini merupakan balasan pe-er dari Daeng Rusle yang sangat tertunda. Hingga 12 hari tertunda. Memalukan!! MALU KAMU! MALU!

Tapi sebenarnya hal-hal yang paling banyak itu di tahun 2006 :) jadi saya mulainya dari tahun 2006 aja ya.. Ga pa pa kan? Itung-itung memang tahun lalu saya belum sempat bikin kaleidoskop 2006 waktu awal tahun :D malah mungkin nggak ngomongin tahun baru juga waktu itu. Kalau ga salah karena jaringan internet sempat terputus waktu itu karena gempa di Taiwan itu lho, jadi asli nggak bisa ngapa-ngapain :D

Ya udah, mulai aja ah :D Continue reading “Kaleidoskop 2006-2007”

Kurisumasu Omedetou メリークリスマス

Kurisumasu Omedetou メリークリスマス!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Selamat hari Natal!!!

25 Desember 2007

dv1111041.jpgSejak kemarin banyak sms yang masuk untuk mengucapkan selamat hari Natal di ponsel saya. Juga beberapa greeting cards yang bisa diakses secara online, dikirimkan melalui e-mail. Tidak ketinggalan beberapa ucapan melalui comment di friendster saya maupun di guestbook multiply saya. Saya jadi ingat 5-6 tahun yang lalu, saat itu kirim-mengirim kartu natal via pos masih ramai :D Biasanya bulan November di toko-toko buku sudah mulai dijual berbagai macam kartu-kartu natal dengan berbagai desain. Kantor pos juga rame oleh orang-orang yang mau mengirim kartu ucapan.
Eh jadi ingat, telegram indah itu masih ada nggak yah? Heuhehehe…

Sekarang begitu mudahnya orang mengirim ucapan kepada sanak saudara, kerabat, maupun teman-teman. Yup, komunikasi makin dimudahkan dengan fasilitas pesan singkat alias short message service (bukan short massage service ya hahaha), juga e-mail, bahkan BLOG :P

Anyway, melalui BLOG ini saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Natal yah buat semua yang merayakan hari yang penuh kedamaian ini :) Damai di hati, damai di bumi. Semoga kedamaian yang ada akan selalu tumbuh di hati kita dan disebarkan ke sekitar kita, bukan pada hari ini saja, melainkan untuk selama-lamanya :)

Siapa sih yang nggak ingin damai? ;)
Selamat NATAL!!!

Yang juga ngomongin Natal:
Merry Xmas (part.1): Cheese cake Vs Diet.
Merry X’Mas and Happy New Year 2008
Salam Natal dari Mbah Jenggot
(Kartu) Natal Membawa Damai
Merry Xmas (part.2-end): My Blessed Xmas
‘Maturan’ Purnama dan Perayaan Natal di Karibia
Merry Merry Christmas

Introducing.. the DENTIST!

Now my name is drg. Irayani Queencyputri, SKG.


Glad to have that title finally, after so many years in Dentistry Faculty of Hasanuddin University.
Thanks to God Almighty, for all the blessings and everything!
Thanks to my Mom for her pray that always continue every night for me..
Thanks to him who always be my shoulder to cry on and never tired to support me every time I’m down.
Thanks to my friends, all friends in Dentistry Faculty, Blogger Makassar, Bloggers, Id-Gmail.. for all the support! Without you all I can’t survive I guess :D


The rest of the pictures you can click here.
Photography by Ina

Finally I finish my long-term-study..
Anyone got toothache? :P

I Am Relieved

Today I am so glad and I am so relieved.


Because the biggest question mark in past 3-4 years starts to fade.
Now I could see the future up there.
Well, not that clear yet.. but it is there, I believe..
It’s there!

God help and guide me to walk in the aisle of troubles..
Guide me to do the right one and choose the right thing..

Only a few little steps further….
….to become a DENTIST!