#WikuFest4 : Creative World

For the third consecutive time, Mozilla Indonesia participated in Wikusama Festival (WikuFest), SMK Telkom Malang, on the 30–31 January 2015. In 2013 and 2014, Mozilla Indonesia also participated on the same event.

This year’s WikuFest speakers from Mozilla Indonesia are: Arief Bayu Purwanto, Irayani Queencyputri (Rara), Fauzan Alfi, Muhammad Fadhil, and Rizki Dwi Kelimutu (FSA Univ. Dian Nuswantoro).

Mozilla Indonesia at #WikuFest4
Mozilla Indonesia at #WikuFest4

What is WikuFest? According to their site, Wikusama Festival is an annual event held by Ikatan Alumni Wikusama (Wikusama Alumni League), a two-day seminar with speakers from SMK Telkom Malang alumni, whom has proven their track record in the ICT industry.


Just like last year, WikuFest provided parallel classes that students of SMK Telkom Malang could participate in. Although students from the 11th and 12th grade could join the classes, the 10th graders were expected to only join the event as volunteers.

Wall of Dreams #WikuFest4
Wall of Dreams #WikuFest4

This year’s class from Mozilla was quite varied. There was a four-hour Maker Party hosted by Fauzan and Fadhil, and two sessions of workshop on Support Mozilla (SuMo) sprint hosted by Kelimutu. Arief, as usual, gave talks on the topic Bootstrap Your Firefox OS Development. There was also a class on Privacy and Security on the Web by Rara, and a class on How to Contribute by Fauzan.

Maker Party with Fauzan and Fadhil
Discussion at the Maker Party
Maker Party group photo
Bootstrap Your Firefox OS Development with Arief
SuMo Sprint with Rizki Dwi Kelimutu
Privacy and Security on the Web with Rara
Privacy class group photo

Other than the parallel classes that were mentioned, there was also a Mentor Meetup. During this meetup, the participants of WikuFest were invited to approach any speakers and started a discussion on a topic they liked.

Mentor meetup with Mozilla Indonesia

The festivities of WikuFest did not end with the classes. The process of sharing and learning remain ongoing even after the festival had wrapped up. See you later on the next WikuFest!

Photos of the event can be accessed via Flickr.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Serenity

Serenity (noun): The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. If you live in a big city, daily routines may bring you to a boredom. Once in a while, you have to get our from the routines, and getaway. And these getaway, usually seek for serenity.

Actually, being calm and peaceful is also different to each person. Some people loves to travel into another bustling city, some people just wanna stop and enjoy the calmness of the nature.

When I travel to Kyoto, I like to go see the japanese rock gardens around. We usually know these gardens as “zen garden”. The garden is so peaceful and you can feel the time will pass so slow. Try to sit near one of the gardens, and feel the moment.

Zen Garden at Eikando Zenrin-ji
Zen Garden at Eikando Zenrin-ji. March 2014

The Japanese rock garden (karesansui) or “dry landscape” garden, often called a zen garden, creates a miniature stylized landscape through carefully composed arrangements of rocks, water features, moss, pruned trees and bushes, and uses gravel or sand that is raked to represent ripples in water.

They were intended to imitate the intimate essence of nature, not its actual appearance, and to serve an aid to meditation about the true meaning of life.

Visiting a zen garden, always made me feel at peace.

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Serenity.”


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “A Moment in Time.”

Kakigori is a Japanese shaved ice dessert flavored with syrup and condensed milk. Popular flavors include strawberry, cherry, lemon, green tea, grape, melon, “Blue Hawaii,” sweet plum, and colorless syrup. To sweeten kakig?ri, condensed milk is often poured on top of it. It is not like a snow cone: It has a much smoother fluffier ice consistency, much like fresh fallen snow, and a spoon is almost always used to eat it.


Picture above is “Boo!!! Kakigori” with matcha syrup and matcha ice cream. That’s why it is green. But the ears are made from strawberries. How cute! <3 They have it in many flavors: strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, matcha, ogura, black sesame. I choose matcha (green tea) because I love that flavor so much! So the green shaved ice dessert with a bear shape, came to my table, ready to serve. Below those shaved ice, there were some egg puddings lying there, waiting to be found and tasted. Sweet, but not extremely sweet :) I wanna go there again, someday. Prepare for the long queue line. Waiting time approx. 15-30 minutes :D Location: SumoBoo - Kota Kasablanka, Jakarta.


Di hari yang cerah, sepasang kaki melangkah dengan ringan dan pasti. Pada penjual bunga, sepasang kaki itu berhenti. Kemudian melangkah lagi, hingga terhenti pada sebuah kedai es krim, lalu melanjutkan langkah. Tetap dengan ringan dan ceria.
Setelah beratus-ratus langkah, sepasang kaki tersebut mempercepat langkah. Berlari, seiring dengan perubahan cuaca yang cerah menjadi mendung berawan. Lebih cepat, dan cepat.

Sampai di suatu titik, sepasang kaki tadi akhirnya memperlambat langkahnya, tertatih. Lelah, dan melambat. Sesekali tersandung batu atau terjatuh karena lubang di jalan. Hari mulai semakin gelap dan hujan mulai membasahi tanah.

Kemudian tiba di depan pintu, yang telah tertutup.


And it’s too late, baby, now it’s too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died and I can’t hide
And I just can’t fake it


Ada waktunya kita berhenti untuk berbicara.
Ada waktunya kita berhenti untuk berpikir.
Berhenti di mana kita memutar arah.
Dan terpaku seperti mobil yang sedang diparkir.

Berhenti pada suatu tujuan, atau berhenti pada saat menuju sebuah tujuan.
Itu semua adalah pilihan.

Saat berhenti, apakah kita akan berjalan lagi? Atau ke kiri? Ke kanan? Atau mutar balik?
Semua adalah pilihan yang harus diambil.

Kita tidak bisa bilang “I have no choice” dalam menghadapi hidup, sebab dalam menjalani kehidupan kita akan selalu dihadapkan pada banyak pilihan untuk menentukan langkah.

Berhenti untuk bertemu
Berhenti untuk berpisah
Berhenti untuk melupakan

Dan pada saatnya, waktu pun akan berhenti.

I was cryin’ when I met you
Now I’m tryin’ to forget you
Love is sweet misery

Ruang Kosong

Nice to meet you, where you been?

Sudah lama tidak mengisi blog ini *sapu-sapu debu, bersihin lumut dan sarang laba-laba* ..somehow beberapa tahun terakhir keinginan menulis sudah menurun. Kenapa? Well, so many things happened. Ternyata, mood dan kejadian yang tidak mendukung kebahagiaan hati memang membuat seseorang menjadi kontra-produktif :( writer block kah? #suram

Dulu saat baru memulai ngeblog, hingga banyak tahun kemudian, rasanya ada saja yang bisa ditulis di sini. Sekarang rasanya otak memang penuh dengan ruang kosong :D

Jadi ingat pembahasan Tudang Sipulung Angingmammiri bulan November yang lalu. Kebetulan saat itu lagi pulang ke Makassar dan bisa menghadiri acara bulanan itu. Apakah fenomena micro-blogging yang membuat para blogger perlahan-lahan meninggalkan ruang kreasinya, dan menuju ke ruang 140 karakter saja? Atau perubahan sifat blogger yang sekarang kebanyakan lebih komersil? Atau hanya sekedar rasa jenuh saja? Yang bisa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut adalah masing-masing blogger yang mengalaminya.

Untuk saya, mungkin ada pengaruh dari mood yang memang sedang naik turun beberapa tahun terakhir. Mungkin juga karena terlalu sibuk, sampai tidak punya waktu untuk diri sendiri lagi. Yang pasti, blog ini tidak akan pernah saya hapus.. kecuali hostingnya udah bangkrut :P

Kenapa? Supaya saat saya kembali ingin menuangkan kata-kata, masih ada ruang kosong yang bisa dipakai untuk menempatkan kata-kata tersebut :)

But you’ll come back each time you leave
‘Cause, darling, I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream

#fx10 Jakarta : 10 Years of Firefox

Firefox reaches to 10 years on November 9th, 2014. And Mozilla Indonesia are celebrating #fx10 with almost 50 Mozillians at Jakarta, on November 14th, 2014.

The event was held at Eatology Cafe, Central Jakarta. As usual birthday party, there is always a bite to eat, there were Firefox cupcakes, birthday candles, and of course there are some gifts to take home.

We had some discussions, talks and share about the last 10 years and talk about Firefox and Mozilla in general, about Firefox Developer Edition, and about Firefox Student Ambassador program.

Irayani Queencyputri was talking about the last 10 years, Firefox and Mozilla in general
Yofie Setiawan was sharing about Firefox Developer Edition
Rizky Ariestiyansyah was sharing about the Firefox Student Ambassador program.

And don’t forget about the party!

Dinner is served!
Some happy mozillians :p

Some goodies to bring home ?
Say your birthday wish!

And the last thing, photo sessions!

Prepare for the board
Firefox ears!
Firefox is our independent choice!
And of course, the group photo!

See you in the next meetup!! \^o^/

Reps Council Election : Q&A and Video

Hi all,
This is a post related to the Mozilla Reps Council election. Every 6 months, 3 or 4 Mozilla Reps (depending on the election cycle) are elected to sit on the Mozilla Reps Council for a 1 year term. The elections ensure that the program stays true to its core values of participation, accountability and transparency.

Mozilla Reps mentors in RemoCamp 2013 - Madrid.
Mozilla Reps mentors in RemoCamp 2013 – Madrid.

Here I am nominating my self as a Reps Council for this Spring 2014. I want to help more deeper in Mozilla Reps program with all I have, skills and resources.

As a candidate in this Reps Council election, we must answer the Q&A from the Council, and and make a video.

I am all ears for questions and suggestions. You can reach me via my social networks 24 hours a day.
Twitter : @rara79, Facebook : facebook.com/rara79, email rara79 at gmail.com, and LINE : rara79

Thank you ^.^


Continue reading “Reps Council Election : Q&A and Video”

Remo Camp 2013 – Madrid, Spain

460px-Reps_camp_2013Leadership of the Mozilla Reps program, comprised of Council members and Reps mentors, met for 3 days in Madrid, Spain, from August 30th to September 1st, 2013.

The meeting were comprised of presentations, breakout sessions and discussions to draft the 2013/2014 Mozilla Reps program roadmap. This event was the second time the entire program leadership meet and work together in person, the first being in Berlin in 2012.

The first day focused on getting all Council members together to do a high-level review of the program’s Q3 goals and do final prep-work for the Camp sessions the following two days. Yes, on this day, me and the rest Indonesian teams, arrived.

Remo Camp 2013
Ready for RemoCamp 2013 in Madrid, Spain!

The second day focused on encouraging debate and discussion around the program’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We were also divided into groups and discussed the task forces within groups.

And the memes continues :)))
And the memes continues :)))

Almost Ready
Almost ready, from Brian King‘s flickr

Building communities

And the third day focused on drafting a general “ReMo Roadmap” for 2013/2014 and presenting task force action plans to all participants (including remote attendees).

Group photo taken from Jun's Facebook.
Group photo taken from Jun‘s Facebook.
Remo Camp 2013
And we also got a chance to visit Telefonica office, where they sell and promote Firefox phone in Spain ^_^
Remo Camp 2013
These guys also come with me in Madrid :)))

It was my first trip to Europe and it was so damn short trip :( but I enjoyed the trip a lot, looking forward for more! :D